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Hearty MealMeal 0

Legacy Content

Source Kingmaker Companion Guide pg. 116
Recipe Price — (this recipe is available automatically)
Ingredients 4 basic
Preparation DC 14 Cooking Lore or DC 16 Survival
Favorite Meal The eater recovers an additional amount of Hit Points equal to their level when they rest.
By taking extra time to prepare a meal, adding extra spices, and supplementing the meal with additional ingredients, you can turn a regular meal into a hearty one. Unlike other special meals, anyone can attempt to cook a hearty meal— no recipe is required.

Critical Success The meal grants the eater a +1 status bonus to the next 3 saving throws they attempt during the next 24 hours.
Success The meal grants the eater a +1 status bonus to the next saving throw they attempt during the next 24 hours.
Critical Failure The hearty meal leaves the eater overstuffed. They suffer a –1 status penalty to initiative checks until they rest and begin their daily preparations.