There is a Legacy version
Crude Communication Feat 8Archetype Source Player Core 2 pg. 203 1.1Archetype LinguistPrerequisites Linguist Dedication
Even if you don’t speak a creature’s language, you can rely on inflection, root words, and body language to infer rudimentary meaning. If you interact with a creature for at least 10 minutes and that creature can speak a language, the GM rolls a secret
Society check for you, with a DC appropriate for the language’s rarity. On a success, you understand the gist of the meaning and can communicate basic concepts back to the creature; on a failure, you are mistaken or communicate incorrect concepts. If you’re legendary in Society, you can communicate instantly without needing to attempt a Society check; even if you didn’t know the medium of communication the creature uses (speech, sign language, and so on), you intuit this information as soon as they try to communicate.
Archetype: This feat belongs to an archetype.