Rules Index | GM Screen | Player's Guide

Chapter 1: Running the Game / Running a Session / Stakes and Consequences / Roleplaying NPCs

Respecting the Character

Source GM Core pg. 14 2.0
Sometimes when creating characters, a GM can unintentionally play into themes that can be harmful or hurtful. For example, an NPC with a background of abuse, a former or current slave, or a character with disabilities requires respectful handling. This is particularly true if you, as the GM, do not have the same life experience as the NPC in question. If you want to include these themes for an NPC, you should probably bring it up with your players beforehand and set expectations. You don’t need to spoil the character, but sitting down and checking in with your players can help prevent unpleasant surprises and is better than assuming. To keep the representation respectful, avoid cliches and don’t use the hook as a joke. Your group’s guidelines for objectionable content can also help you portray NPCs respectfully.