Rules Index | GM Screen | Player's Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction / What is a Roleplaying Game?

Tools of Play

Source Player Core pg. 6 2.0
In addition to this book, there are a few things you will need to play Pathfinder. These supplies can be found at your local hobby shop or online at

Character Sheet: Each player will need a character sheet to create their character and to record what happens to them during play. You can find a character sheet in the back of this book and online as a free PDF.

Dice: The players and GM will need at least one set of polyhedral dice, although most participants bring their own. Six-sided dice are quite common, but all the dice in the set can be found at hobby game stores or online. See the Dice sidebar for more on the different kinds of dice and how they are discussed in the text.

Adventure: Every table needs an adventure to play, whether it's designed by the GM or found in a published resource. You can find a variety of exciting adventures and even entire Adventure Path campaigns at

Pathfinder Monster Core: From terrifying dragons to mischievous gremlins, monsters are a common threat that the PCs might face, and each type has its own statistics and abilities. These can be found in the Pathfinder Monster Core, an invaluable book for GMs. Monster statistics can also be found online for free at

Maps and Miniatures: The chaos of combat can be difficult to imagine, so many groups use maps to represent the battlefield. These maps are marked with a 1-inch grid, and each square represents 5 feet in the game. Miniatures and illustrated tokens called pawns are used to represent the characters and the adversaries they face.

Additional Accessories: There are many additional accessories you can add to your game to enhance the experience, including tools that help you track turns in combat, decks of cards for referencing common rules, digital character-creation tools, virtual tabletops for online play, and even background music and sound-effect sets.