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Shark DiverVehicle 11

Legacy Content

Uncommon Huge 
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 77
Price 4,200 gp
Space 40 feet long, 20 feet wide, 20 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 4 crew; Passengers 6
Piloting Check Crafting (DC 30), Piloting Lore (DC 28)
AC 26; Fort +20
Hardness 15, HP 120 (BT 60); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage; Resistances electricity 10
Speed swim 40 feet (alchemical)
Collision 8d10 (DC 28)
Electrify [two-actions] Frequency once per minute; Effect Two crew members each perform a 2-action activity on their turn to emit an electrical pulse, dealing 6d6 damage to all creatures within 10 feet of the shark diver. Crew and passengers of the shark diver are unaffected. Affected creatures must attempt a basic Fortitude save (DC 28).
Submersible The shark diver can travel beneath the surface of the water, carrying an air reservoir suitable to sustain 11 Medium creatures for up to 24 hours. The shark diver can safely reach depths of up to 300 feet. If broken, the shark diver loses air from its reservoir, reducing the stored air by 10 minutes per round. A broken shark diver has its maximum depth reduced by half.