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Abomination Vaults | Age of Ashes | Agents of Edgewatch | Blood Lords | Crown of the Kobold King | Extinction Curse | Fists of the Ruby Phoenix | Gatewalkers | Kingmaker | Outlaws of Alkenstar | Pathfinder Society | Quest for the Frozen Flame | Season of Ghosts | Sky King's Tomb | Stolen Fate | Strength of Thousands | The Fall of Plaguestone

PFS StandardMagical MisfitBackground

Legacy Content

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 29 2.0
You don't understand folks who claim that magical talent is some sort of burden or great responsibility; you've always used your magic to cause trouble and to escape the consequences. Whether becoming an adventurer is your attempt to make amends or just a new way to make some mischief, you're excited to see where it takes you, and you still delight in using your skills to get out of trouble.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Intelligence, and one is a free attribute boost.

You're trained in the Arcana skill, and the Underworld Lore skill. You gain the Trick Magic Item skill feat.