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Mythic Brute

Source War of Immortals pg. 169
Add the listed mythic abilities up to the creature's level.

Mythic brutes are hardy and physically resilient foes who fight their enemies directly, taking hits and lashing out with powerful physical attacks.

Brutish Athleticism A mythic brute excels at rough-and-tumble activities. It always uses the extreme skill value for a creature of its level as its Athletics modifier.
Mythic Ferocity [reaction] Cost 1 Mythic Point; Trigger The monster is reduced to 0 HP; Effect The monster avoids being knocked out and remains at half its maximum HP, but its wounded value increases by 1. When it is wounded 3, it can no longer use this ability.
Mythic Resistance A mythic brute of any level gains mythic resistance equal to its level.
Mythic Weakness (Weak-Willed) A mythic brute is physically potent but not as mentally tough. It can't gain mythic resilience to Will saves.
Titanic Might A mythic brute ignores size limitations when performing actions like Grapple or Trip.

Bosses Or Bodyguards

Mythic brutes are creatures of physical might or stature. Mythic brutes designed from the ground up, instead of by applying the template to an existing creature, are typically built using the brute or solider base road maps. When constructing encounters using mythic brutes, they work best as bodyguards operating in pairs to protect a spellcaster or as the leader of a group of weaker monsters. Due to their incredible toughness and staying power, when constructing an encounter using a mythic brute you should avoid using single monsters whose level is more than 2 levels higher than the party's.