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Band Of HeroesRitual 3

Uncommon Mythic 
Source War of Immortals pg. 159
Cast 1 hour; Secondary Casters 2 to 5
Primary Check Diplomacy (mythic) or Society (mythic);; Secondary Checks Diplomacy, Intimidation, or Society
Range 30 feet; Target(s) all casters involved in ritual
Duration 24 hours
The sun rises on a gathering of heroes bonded to a cause. While only one secondary caster can attempt the secondary check, each secondary caster must also spend 1 Mythic Point upon successful completion of the ritual. A secondary caster who chooses not to spend the Mythic Point can't benefit from the ritual's effects.

Critical Success As success, but the first time a caster gains the doomed, dying, or wounded condition during the ritual’s duration, reduce the value of that condition by 1 (minimum 0).
Success Each secondary caster must spend 1 Mythic Point. For the duration of the ritual, when a caster Aids another caster, they can attempt the associated check at mythic proficiency. On a success, the circumstance bonus the Aiding caster grants is increased to +2, and on a critical success, the circumstance bonus is increased to +5.
Failure The ritual has no effect. The secondary casters don’t need to each spend 1 Mythic Point.
Critical Failure The ritual fails, and the casters rupture their own connections to their mythic destinies. None of the casters can gain Mythic Points for 1 week.