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PFS StandardAncient Empyreal Dragon

The three major celestial planes—Heaven, Nirvana, and Elysium—each have their own respective dragons. Empyreal dragons have a direct connection to Heaven. Using the blessings of Heaven, empyreal dragons protect others and intercede against wickedness. Empyreal dragons are wise, considerate, and compassionate. When speaking with others, empyreal dragons are patient and understanding.

Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 41
Unspecific Lore: DC 39
Specific Lore: DC 36

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Ancient Empyreal DragonCreature 19

Uncommon Gargantuan Divine Dragon Holy 
Source Monster Core pg. 116 1.1
Perception +35; darkvision, lifesense (imprecise) 30 feet, scent (imprecise) 60 feet
Languages Chthonian, Common, Diabolic, Draconic, Empyrean, Fey, Necril; truespeech
Skills Acrobatics +31, Athletics +35, Diplomacy +31, Heaven Lore +32, Intimidation +31, Medicine +35, Religion +32, Society +30
Str +10, Dex +6, Con +8, Int +5, Wis +8, Cha +6
AC 43; Fort +31, Ref +31, Will +35; +2 status to all saves vs. divine
HP 350; Immunities fear, paralyzed, sleep; Weaknesses unholy 15
Inspiring Presence (aura, emotion, mental) 20 feet. The mere sight of an empyreal dragon motivates other creatures. Creatures within the aura gain a +1 status bonus to saving throws and skill checks. The empyreal dragon can't gain the benefit of their own aura or other actions that use the aura, and they can choose to exclude any creatures from any benefit of the aura or action that uses the aura.Divine Deflection [reaction] Trigger The dragon is critically hit by an attack; Effect Divine power intercedes, preventing some of the damage. The dragon gains resistance 15 to all damage against the triggering attack.
Speed 80 feet, fly 200 feet
Melee [one-action] jaws +35 [+30/+25] (holy, magical, reach 20 feet), Damage 4d10+16 piercing plus 1d8 spiritMelee [one-action] claws +35 [+31/+27] (agile, holy, magical, reach 15 feet), Damage 4d8+16 slashing plus 1d8 spiritMelee [one-action] tail +33 [+28/+23] (holy, magical, reach 25 feet), Damage 4d10+16 bludgeoning plus 1d8 spiritMelee [one-action] wing +33 [+29/+25] (agile, magical, reach 20 feet), Damage 3d10+16 slashing plus 1d8 spiritDivine Innate Spells DC 41, attack +33; 9th heal; 7th holy light (at will), interplanar teleport (at will; self only); Constant (5th) truespeech
Direct Halo [one-action] (concentrate, divine, manipulate) The dragon tosses their halo to a square within 90 feet. While the halo is deployed in this way, the dragon loses their inspiring presence aura, and the aura instead emanates from the halo with the same emanation radius. The dragon can Sustain to recall the halo from any distance. The halo is made of pure light—it doesn't occupy space and can't be targeted or destroyed in any way.Draconic Frenzy [two-actions] The dragon makes two claw Strikes and one wing Strike in any order.Draconic Momentum The dragon recharges their Spirit Breath whenever they score a critical hit with a Strike.Halo Pulse [two-actions] (concentrate, divine) The dragon chooses one effect to impose on creatures in their inspiring presence aura. The dragon can't use Halo Pulse again for 1d4 rounds.
  • Repulsion Each creature must succeed at a DC 41 Fortitude save or be pushed until it's no longer in the aura.
  • Restoration (healing, vitality) Each creature recovers 9d8 Hit Points.
  • Restriction (incapacitation, mental) Creatures must succeed at a DC 41 Will save or be slowed 1 (slowed 2 on a critical failure) while they remain within the aura. Regardless of the result, a creature is then temporarily immune to restriction for 1 minute.
Spirit Breath [two-actions] (divine, holy, spirit) The dragon unleashes a blast of holy fire that deals 16d8 spirit damage in a 50-foot cone (DC 41 basic Reflex save). The dragon can't use Spirit Breath again for 1d4 rounds.

All Monsters in "Dragon, Empyreal"

Adult Empyreal Dragon14
Ancient Empyreal Dragon19
Young Empyreal Dragon10

Dragon, Empyreal

Source Monster Core pg. 114 1.1
The three major celestial planes—Heaven, Nirvana, and Elysium—each have their own respective dragons. Empyreal dragons have a direct connection to Heaven. Using the blessings of Heaven, empyreal dragons protect others and intercede against wickedness. Empyreal dragons are wise, considerate, and compassionate. When speaking with others, empyreal dragons are patient and understanding.


Related Groups Dragon, Adamantine, Dragon, Conspirator, Dragon, Diabolic, Dragon, Fortune, Dragon, Horned, Dragon, Mirage, Dragon, Omen
Dragons come in myriad forms, with many having magical abilities or connections to magic. Some dragons draw greater power from magic than others, allowing them to manifest abilities or alter their physiques with prolonged exposure to magic. These dragons become more powerful as they age and strengthen their connections with their magical origins. Scholars debate the classification of these dragons, with some preferring the name magical dragons and others using traditional dragons due to their connection to specific magical traditions. Regardless of their names, these dragons share a number of characteristics: their ability to tap into magical energies, intensified might and cunning as they grow older, and an inclination to hoard vast amounts of treasure and wealth.

Draconic Spellcasters

Each dragon features a sidebar on spellcasting dragons of that type. To make a dragon spellcaster, remove the dragon's Draconic Frenzy and Draconic Momentum abilities, and give them the spells outlined in their sidebar. You can swap out any number of these with other spells, provided you keep the same number of spells for each rank. You might also want to increase the dragon's Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier by 1 or 2 to reflect their mastery of magic.

Sidebar - Locations Empyreal Dragon Lairs

Although most empyreal dragons keep homes among the environs of heaven, many dragons also choose to keep lairs across the mortal Universe. These lairs are generally in less remote places, with the expectation being that a person would be more likely to stumble upon one and find assistance in times of need. In addition to the traditional riches of a dragon's hoard, an empyreal dragon's hoard contains a multitude of armaments, typically sized to fit the people of the region should they need equipment to face off against evil.

Sidebar - Advice and Rules Empyreal Dragon Spellcasters

Empyreal dragon spellcasters tend to cast the following spells.

Young Empyreal Dragon

Divine Prepared Spells DC 29, attack +22; 4th dispel magic, unfettered movement, vital beacon; 3rd bind undead, ring of truth, sound body; 2nd clear mind, everlight, share life; 1st bless, mending, sanctuary; Cantrips (4th) detect magic, divine lance, guidance, shield, stabilize

Adult Empyreal Dragon

Divine Prepared Spells DC 34, attack +28; As young empyreal dragon, plus 6th field of life, dispel magic, spirit blast; 5th breath of life, clear mind, sending; Cantrips (6th) detect magic, divine lance, guidance, shield, stabilize

Ancient Empyreal Dragon

Divine Prepared Spells DC 41, attack +35; As adult empyreal dragon, plus 9th divine decree, overwhelming presence, sunburst; 8th dispel magic, divine inspiration, moment of renewal; 7th energy aegis, planar seal, regenerate; Cantrips (9th) detect magic, divine lance, guidance, shield, stabilize

Sidebar - Related Creatures Yssendri

Originally hailing from the ranks of heaven's greatest armies, the great empyreal archdragon Yssendri eventually retired from direct combat, choosing to focus on more philanthropic ventures. They travel to smaller settlements across the Universe to aid in defending innocents. Recently, they traveled to the desert nation of Thuvia to defend a caravan of merchants from afar.