Cloak of the False Foe
Item 12Legacy Content
Invested Primal Transmutation Source Dark Archive pg. 62Price 1,850 gp
Usage worn cloak;
Bulk L
Images of strange animals and distorted figures are woven into this coarse, fur-lined cloak.
Activate Interact (
Frequency once per day;
Effect The cloak rises to envelop your head and body, reshaping your appearance into that of a locally feared cryptid. If there is no such figure in local lore, the
cloak of the false foe instead alters your appearance into a form imagined by the crafter of the cloak. One choice that occurs with disturbing frequency is a gaunt figure with triple-jointed fingers; an eyeless, hairless head with a lamprey mouth in the center of its face; and stubby tentacles waving down its neck. The transformation also grants the effects of either a 3rd-level
humanoid form spell that lasts for 1 hour if you turn into a Medium cryptid, or a 5th-level
humanoid form spell that lasts for 10 minutes if you turn into a Large cryptid.
While you're in cryptid form, any wounds left by your spells and Strikes appear to be the result of the cryptid's unarmed attacks and special abilities to a casual inspection. This doesn't alter the actual damage type inflicted or the effects of such attack. Someone closely studying the wounds can, with a successful DC 30
Medicine check, realize that magic has altered the appearance of the injuries.