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There is a Remastered version here.


Source Bestiary pg. 254
Slimes, molds, and other oozes can be found in dank dungeons and shadowed forests. While not necessarily evil, some grow to enormous sizes and have insatiable appetites.


Amoeba Swarm (Creature 1), Black Pudding (Creature 7), Blood Ooze (Creature 4), Carnivorous Blob (Creature 13), Chromatic Ooze (Creature 18), Crawling Slurry (Creature 16), Gelatinous Cube (Creature 3), Giant Amoeba (Creature 1), Gray Ooze (Creature 4), Gunpowder Ooze (Creature 14), Id Ooze (Creature 7), Living Tar (Creature 7), Ochre Jelly (Creature 5), Pyronite Ooze (Creature 10), Rust Ooze (Creature 3), Sewer Ooze (Creature 1), Slime Mold (Creature 2), String Slime (Creature 3), Tallow Ooze (Creature 11), Tomb Jelly (Creature 5), Vaultbreaker Ooze (Creature 6), Verdurous Ooze (Creature 6), Yeast Ooze (Creature 2)

Sidebar - Related Creatures Amoebas Large and Small

Giant amoebas and amoeba swarms are usually found near each other, as the two oozes are part of the same life cycle. When a giant amoeba grows large enough, it can spontaneously split apart into two separate amoeba swarms, and when an amoeba swarm feeds enough, its individual components can fuse together into a single creature.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Oozing Acid

Many oozes have acidic attacks that can quickly degrade flesh, wood, and even stronger materials. Some believe that oozes are the result of alchemical or magical experimentation run amok, while others postulate that they simply emerged from the natural processes of evolution.

Sidebar - Related Creatures Other Oozes

Many varieties of these nearly mindless predators exist in the world. Some are mere variants, with different colored puddings, jellies, and oozes with little to differentiate them from those presented here other than their habitat. Others are more specialized, or even dangerously intelligent. The shoggoth is one such example, but another variety of deadly and powerful ooze is the thankfully rare blight, a creature composed of protoplasm and eyes that curses entire regions with its presence.