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There is a Legacy version here.

Charlatan's GlovesItem 3+

Invested Magical 
Source GM Core pg. 286 2.0
Usage worn gloves; Bulk L
Tiny silver hooks decorate these fine silk gloves. They grant a +1 item bonus to Thievery and allow you to cast telekinetic hand as an innate occult spell.

PFS StandardCharlatan's GlovesItem 3

Source GM Core pg. 286 2.0
Price 50 gp

PFS StandardCharlatan's Gloves (Greater)Item 9

Source GM Core pg. 286 2.0
Price 600 gp
The gloves' bonus increases to +2. If you are also wearing a charlatan's cape, whenever you would move an object using telekinetic hand, you may instead have it disappear in a puff of smoke and reappear hovering in a space adjacent to yours. This is a teleportation effect. The item hovers until the end of your turn or until retrieved with an Interact action.