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There is a Legacy version here.

Aeon StoneItem 5+

Uncommon Invested Magical 
Source GM Core pg. 284 2.0
Usage worn; Bulk
Over millennia, these mysterious, intricately cut gemstones have been hoarded by mystics and fanatics hoping to discover their secrets. Despite their myriad forms and functions, these stones are purportedly all fragments of crystal tools used by otherworldly entities to construct the universe in primeval times.
When you invest one of these precisely shaped crystals, the stone orbits your head instead of being worn on your body. You can stow an aeon stone with an Interact action, and an orbiting stone can be snatched out of the air with a successful Disarm action against you. A stowed or removed stone remains invested, but its effects are suppressed until you return it to orbit your head again.
There are various types of aeon stones, each with a different appearance and magical effect. Each aeon stone also gains a resonant power when slotted into a special magical item called a wayfinder

PFS StandardAeon Stone (Preserving)Item 5

Source GM Core pg. 284 2.0
Price 150 gp
This red crystalline star covers you in a faint aura when you are subject to lingering wounds. You gain resistance 3 to persistent damage. At the end of any turn where the persistent damage can't overcome this resistance, end that condition.
The resonant power allows you to cast stabilize as a primal innate cantrip.

PFS StandardAeon Stone (Sprouting)Item 6

Source GM Core pg. 284 2.0
Price 220 gp
Encouraging the natural growth of life, this green ovoid can often be found surrounded by new seedlings. Its resonant power allows you to cast tangle vine as a primal innate cantrip.

Activate—Flow of Life [reaction] (concentrate, vitality); Frequency once per hour; Trigger You are healed by a vitality efect or took void damage; Effect You gain 8 temporary Hit Points that last for 1 minute.

PFS StandardAeon Stone (Smoothing)Item 7

Source GM Core pg. 284 2.0
Price 310 gp
This spherical piece of silvery stone helps you ignore minor issues. You can ignore status penalties to skill checks from clumsy, enfeebled, frightened, sickened, and stupefied conditions as long as the value of that condition is 1. Its resonant power allows you to cast guidance as an occult innate cantrip.

PFS StandardAeon Stone (Peering)Item 16

Source GM Core pg. 284 2.0
Price 9,500 gp
This faintly colored prism catches and transforms light. If the aeon stone is in an area of bright light, shades of purple light provide dim light in a 30-foot radius. In that radius, magical items and effects are tinged with purple, the depth of the color revealing their counteract rank.
The GM also secretly rolls a counteract check against any darkness or illusion effect the light touches. It has a counteract modifier of +25. If the light fails to counteract an effect, it won't try again for 24 hours.
Inside a wayfinder, the aeon stone cannot catch light. However, its resonant power lets you activate or deactivate the aeon stone's light emitting from the wayfinder as an Interact action.