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Ordulf Bladecaller

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Ordulf BladecallerCreature 16

Unique Medium Human Hungerseed 
Source Prey for Death pg. 35
Male human warlord
Perception +12
Languages Common, Jotun, Skald
Skills Acrobatics +9, Athletics +13, Crafting +8, Fishing Lore +8, Intimidation +15, Religion +12, Survival +12, Warfare Lore +10
Str +5, Dex +1, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +5
Items +2 greater striking animated greataxe, +2 greater striking greater frost greatsword, greater potions of flying (3), +2 greater resilient greater cold-resistant full plate
AC 22; Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +12
HP 300; Resistances cold 10
Battle Arrogance Ordulf hasn't met a significant combat challenge in ages, and even when facing deadly foes like the PCs his arrogance can be used against him. If a PC successfully disarms, feints, frightens, or trips Ordulf, his arrogance gets the better of him and he grows sloppy in his tactics, reducing his AC to 34 until the start of his next turn. A PC can also attempt to issue a more debilitating insult to Ordulf, as detailed in Insulting Ordulf.Gorum's Major Boon (healing) When Ordulf is reduced to 0 Hit Points, Gorum feeds him the zeal of his Aesir, allowing Ordulf to draw upon his own life force to fight on and on without falling. He is healed to 150 Hit Points and becomes doomed 1 (or increases his doomed condition by 1), causing his features to look progressively more gaunt and scarred. Once he reaches doomed 4, he dies.Reactive Strikes [reaction]
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] greatsword +16 [+11/+6] (magical, versatile P), Damage 3d12+11 slashing plus 1d6 coldMelee [one-action] greataxe +16 [+11/+6] (magical, sweep), Damage 3d12+11 slashing plus 1d6 persistent bleedBattle Cry [reaction] Frequency once per day; Trigger Ordulf rolls initiative; Effect Ordulf attempts to Demoralize an observed foe.Cleaving Blow [two-actions] Ordulf Strikes two adjacent creatures within his reach. Both attacks count against his multiple attack penalty, but do not increase his penalty until he has made both attacks.Crushing Insult [one-action] (auditory, linguistic, mental) Frequency once per round; Effect Ordulf issues a devastating and humiliating insult to a creature within 30 feet that he can see. Ordulf attempts an Intimidation check against the target's Will DC. That character is then temporarily immune to Crushing Insult for 24 hours.
Critical Success The insult is distracting and humiliating; the target is stupefied 1 and off-guard for 1 minute.
Success The insult is distracting, but its effects pass quickly; the target is stupefied 1 and off-guard until the start of Ordulf’s next turn.
Failure The insult barely cuts, but is distracting enough that the target is off-guard until the end of Ordulf’s turn.
Critical Failure Ordulf’s attempted insult fails spectacularly, and the PC who he was attempting to insult can instantly insult him back, using Insult Ordulf as a free action.
Deadly Display [two-actions] Requirements Ordulf is wielding a melee weapon; Effect Ordulf brandishes his weapon in a threatening display. He Demoralizes all enemies within 30 feet, rolling once and comparing the result to each target's Will DC.Whirlwind Strike [three-actions] Ordulf Strikes each enemy within his reach. Each attack counts toward his multiple attack penalty, but do not increase his penalty until he has made all his attacks.

Insulting Ordulf

A PC can take advantage of Ordulf’s arrogance with the following activity.

Insult Ordulf [two-actions]

Source Prey for Death pg. 31
The PC spends several seconds issuing insults and taunts to Ordulf, then attempts a DC 38 Deception, Intimidation, or Performance check. If the insults include challenges to Ordulf's bravery, compare him to a troll or a chicken, insult his skill at fishing, or liken him to a witch or national of Irrisen, this becomes a DC 33 check.
Critical Success You strike a nerve. Not only does Ordulf become sickened 2 with anger, he is also stunned 1 from the shock of your words.
Success Your insults cause Ordulf to become sickened 2 with anger.
Failure Your insult only has a brief effect, causing Ordulf to become sickened 1. He automatically recovers from this sickened condition at the end of his next turn.
Critical Failure Your attempt to insult Ordulf fails so spectacularly that he becomes temporarily immune to Insult Ordulf activities from you for 24 hours.

Critical Success You strike a nerve. Not only does Ordulf become sickened 2 with anger, he is also stunned 1 from the shock of your words.
Success Your insults cause Ordulf to become sickened 2 with anger.
Failure Your insult only has a brief effect, causing Ordulf to become sickened 1. He automatically recovers from this sickened condition at the end of his next turn.
Critical Failure Your attempt to insult Ordulf fails so spectacularly that he becomes temporarily immune to Insult Ordulf activities from you for 24 hours.