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Kaiju WardRitual 6

Rare Mythic 
Source War of Immortals pg. 161
Cast 8 hours; Secondary Casters 4
Primary Check Crafting (mythic); Secondary Checks Engineering Lore, Kaiju Lore, Survival, Warfare Lore
Range touch; Target(s) 1 physical structure
Duration 14 days
You protect a physical structure from the devastation caused by immense creatures. This structure can be artificially constructed, like a castle or wall, or a natural subject, like a specific tree or grove. A given casting of this ritual can protect a subject as small as a single-story

Critical Success As success, but the target structure also doubles its Hit Points and Broken Threshold.
Success The target structure gains a +4 status bonus to AC and its Hardness increases by 10. It also gains resistance 20 to acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic damage; this resistance applies before its Hardness. These benefits apply only to attacks made by Gargantuan creatures or siege engines.
Failure The ritual doesn’t succeed.
Critical Failure The target is considerably weakened, reducing its Hardness by 10 (minimum 0).