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PFS StandardPercussive ImpactSpell 3

Legacy Content

Uncommon Evocation Sonic 
Source Firebrands pg. 90 2.0
Access Second-mark members of the Firebrands have access to this spell.
Traditions arcane, divine, occult
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range 60 feet; Targets 1 creature
You lob a compressed ball of sound at a foe. The ball explodes on impact, unleashing a powerful blast of sound. Make a spell attack roll. If you hit, you deal 4d8 bludgeoning damage plus 1d4 sonic splash damage. On a critical success, the target is also deafened for 1 round.

    Heightened (+2) The bludgeoning damages increases by 4d8, the sonic splash damage increases by 1d4, and the duration of the deafened condition increases by 2 rounds.