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PFS StandardThundering Dominance [two-actions] Spell 2

Legacy Content

Enchantment Mental 
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 136 2.0
Traditions occult, primal
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range 30 feet; Targets your companion or eidolon
Duration 1 minute
You shroud the target in a powerful predatory aura and amplify its vocalizations. It gains a +1 status bonus to Intimidation checks. Once during this spell's duration, it can take the Thundering Roar action.

Thundering Roar [one-action] (auditory, concentrate, emotion, enchantment, fear, flourish, mental, sonic) The target unleashes a powerful vocalization. Each enemy in a 10- foot emanation takes 4d8 sonic damage with a basic Will save against your spell DC. A creature that fails its Will save is also frightened 1.

    Heightened (+2) The status bonus to Intimidation checks increases by 1 (to a maximum of a +4 status bonus for an 8th-level spell), and the damage from the roar increases by 2d8.