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AtakebuneVehicle 11

Source Tian Xia World Guide pg. 266
Price 4,000 gp
The structure of these gargantuan vessels is fully covered by iron. These vessels are akin to floating fortresses rather than true warships, and are typically used in coastal actions and for river blockades. They use oars for propulsion, as their full iron cladding, as well as their bulk, impedes propulsion via sails.

Many of these vessels are beautifully gilded with red and gold inlays across their iron cladding. This added weight only further contributes to their suspect stability.
Space 75 feet long, 30 feet wide, 30 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 80 rowers; Passengers 60
Piloting Check Sailing Lore (DC 27), Diplomacy (DC 29), or Intimidation (DC 29)
AC 26; Fort +21
Hardness 20, HP 150 (BT 75); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed swim 30 feet (rowed)
Collision 8d10 (DC 27)
Sluggish This vehicle must move twice its length for each 90-degree turn it makes.