Mythic Callings | Mythic Feats | Mythic Destinies

Demagogue's Calling

Uncommon Calling Mythic 
Source War of Immortals pg. 80
Words flow freely from a font within your soul. When you attempt a check to Coerce or Make an Impression, you can spend a Mythic Point to attempt the check at mythic proficiency. The first time each day that you critically succeed on a check to Coerce a creature who isn’t your ally, Create a Diversion using your words, or Make an Impression on an indifferent or unfriendly audience, you regain a Mythic Point.

Edicts tell stories to audiences who have never heard them before, use words rather than weapons to resolve conflicts
Anathema interrupt someone telling a story, resort to violent action without trying to defuse the situation with your words