All Equipment | All Item Bonuses
Adjustments | Adventuring Gear | Alchemical Items | Animals and Gear | Apex Items | Armor | Artifacts | Assistive Items | Basic Magic Weapons | Blighted Boons | Censer | Consumables | Contracts | Cursed Items | Customizations | Figurehead | Grafts | Grimoires | Held Items | High-Tech | Intelligent Items | Materials | Other | Relics | Runes | Services | Shields | Siege Weapons | Snares | Spellhearts | Staves | Structures | Tattoos | Trade Goods | Vehicles | Wands | Weapons | Worn Items

Bottled Breath | Fulu | Gadgets | Magical Ammunition | Missive | Oils | Other Consumables | Potions | Scrolls | Spell Catalysts | Talismans | Tea


Source Core Rulebook pg. 561 4.0
Oils are magical gels, ointments, pastes, or salves that are typically applied to an object and are used up in the process. They have the oil trait. Applying an oil usually takes two hands: one to hold the jar containing the oil, and another to extract the oil and apply it. You can only apply an oil to an item or creature within your reach. Because the process is so thorough, it is usually impossible to apply an oil to an unwilling target or an item in the possession of an unwilling target unless that target is paralyzed, petrified, or unconscious.

Click here for the full rules on Oils.

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