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There is a Remastered version here.

PFS StandardBalisse (Confessor Angel)

Balisses, or confessor angels, seek to assist mortals ensnared by moral dilemmas or crises of faith. Balisses prefer to guide people to their own decisions rather than demand obedience to a higher cause, as intrinsic belief is even more powerful than blind obedience. While most balisses are fundamentally honest, they use their guardian angel ability to seem less intimidating and decrease the chance the mortal will simply acquiesce to the opinion of an obviously divine being. Balisses often form from souls of those who performed evil acts but were redeemed. Many serve the goddess Sarenrae, but they can serve other good deities and empyreal lords as well.

Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 24
Unspecific Lore: DC 22
Specific Lore: DC 19

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak BalisseCreature 7

Legacy Content

NG Medium Angel Celestial 
Source Bestiary pg. 18
Perception +16; (+20 to detect lies and illusions); darkvision
Languages Celestial, Draconic, Infernal; tongues
Skills Acrobatics +12, Diplomacy +15, Religion +16
Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +1, Wis +6, Cha +5
Items +1 striking scimitar
AC 24; Fort +14, Ref +10, Will +16; +1 status to all saves vs. magic
HP 125; Resistances fire 15; Weaknesses evil 10
Confessor’s Aura (aura, divine, enchantment, mental) 20 feet. Creatures in the balisse’s aura are subject to zone of truth (DC 21). Additionally, if these creatures choose to honestly express their own conflicted feelings, the aura makes it easier for them to put words to those feelings.
Speed 30 feet, fly 40 feet
Melee [one-action] flaming scimitar +18 [+13/+8] (fire, forceful, good, magical, sweep), Damage 2d6-2+8 slashing plus 1d6 fire and 1d6 goodDivine Innate Spells DC 24 (-4 dmg); 4th divine wrath, heal, paralyze, remove curse, remove disease; 3rd remove fear (at will); 2nd invisibility (at will, self only); 1st detect alignment (at will, evil only)
Divine Rituals DC 24 (-4 dmg); 4th atone; 3rd geas; 1st angelic messenger
Brand of the Impenitent [two-actions] (curse, divine, evocation) Frequency once per day; Effect The balisse marks an evil creature within its confessor’s aura as irredeemable. It can only do so after a failed attempt to convince the creature to repent. The touched creature takes a –1 status penalty to AC and saves, reduces its resistances by 2, and gains weakness 2 to good damage. The duration depends on the target’s DC 24 Will save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The duration is 1 round.
Failure The duration is 1 day.
Critical Failure The duration is permanent.
Flaming Armament (divine, evocation) Any weapon gains the effect of a flaming property rune while a balisse wields it.Guiding Angel [one-action] (divine, transmutation) While invisible, a balisse can spiritually attach itself to a non-evil mortal. When it does so, it merges with the mortal’s body and is unable to use any of its spells and abilities other than to interact with the mortal. It must use Guiding Angel again to leave the mortal. While merged with the mortal, the balisse can take a form of its choice that only the mortal can see, such as a small angel on the mortal’s shoulder. Alternatively, it can communicate with the mortal using a bodiless voice only the mortal can hear.

All Monsters in "Angel"

Astral Deva (Emissary Angel)14
Balisse (Confessor Angel)8
Cassisian (Archive Angel)1
Choral (Choir Angel)6
Monadic Deva (Soul Angel)12
Movanic Deva (Guardian Angel)10
Planetar (Justice Angel)16
Solar (Archangel)23


Source Bestiary pg. 16
The celestial hosts of angels are messengers and warriors, divided into choirs based on their abilities and purviews. The majority of angels are neutral good and live in Nirvana, the plane of virtue and enlightenment. However, some angels, including several angelic deities, have different alignments, and some even dwell on other planes. Regardless of alignment, angels remain benevolent messengers possessed with magical auras to aid their allies.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Angelic Divinities

The most powerful angels belong to a category of demigods known as the empyreal lords—a title shared with other powerful good-aligned demigods among the host of archons, azatas, and other inhabitants of the celestial planes. The most powerful and most well-known of the angelic empyreal lords is Sarenrae.

Sidebar - Locations Angelic Locations

Angels normally live on Nirvana or other celestial planes, but their missions can bring them to the Material Plane. Spellcasters can conjure them for aid or advice in times of need, and they can even be found, if rarely, crusading against fiends in Hell, the Abyss, or anywhere in between.

Sidebar - Treasure and Rewards Angelic Treasure

Many angels wear exquisite armor or wield beautiful and often magical weapons. While they are not hampered by mortal sins like greed or pride (save for the very rare and tragic exception), they do enjoy the beauty of fine clothing, exquisite jewelry, and works of art.

Sidebar - Related Creatures Other Angels

The most powerful angels are known as the solars, but numerous others can be found in Nirvana working their own missions or goals. Angels generally appear as beautiful, often somewhat androgynous humanoids, and the most powerful often possess two or even four sets of feathered wings.

Sidebar - Additional Lore What is a Deva?

Three types of devas exist among the angelic host, all of which serve as angelic “field agents.” Of the types of angels, devas are the ones most likely to be encountered dwelling somewhere other than Nirvana, as these angels focus their work on cultivating and protecting goodness in mortal souls, be they living or dead.