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Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 46
Unspecific Lore: DC 44
Specific Lore: DC 41

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak RezathaCreature 16

Legacy Content

Unique N Huge Beast 
Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 392
Variant remorhaz
Perception +26; darkvisiondarkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feet
Languages Jotun; (can't speak any languages)
Skills Athletics +32, Stealth +27
Str +9, Dex +6, Con +9, Int -3, Wis +6, Cha -2
AC 37; Fort +30, Ref +25, Will +27
HP 310; Immunities cold, fire
Heat (aura, evocation, fire, primal) 5 feet. A creature that starts its turn in the aura takes 4d6 fire damage. Whenever Rezatha takes damage from an enemy, this damage increases to 6d6 until the start of its next turn. Any creature that hits Rezatha with an unarmed strike takes 6d6 fire damage, and a weapon that hits Rezatha takes 6d6 fire damage.
Speed 35 feet
Melee [one-action] jaws +32 [+27/+22] (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d12-2+17 piercing plus GrabMelee [one-action] tail +32 [+27/+22] (fire, reach 15 feet), Damage 3d6-2+17 bludgeoning plus 3d6-2 fireBreath Weapon [two-actions] (evocation, fire, primal) Rezatha unleashes a gout of flame that deals 18d6 fire damage in a 30-foot cone (DC 36 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Swallow Whole [one-action] Large, 2d10+8 bludgeoning damage plus 3d6 fire, Rupture 30Thrash [two-actions] Rezatha Strikes once with its jaws and once with its tail, each targeting a different creature. Each attack counts toward its multiple attack penalty, but the multiple attack penalty doesn't increase until after all the attacks have been made.