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Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 32
Unspecific Lore: DC 30
Specific Lore: DC 27

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak RipnuggetCreature 5

Legacy Content

Unique NE Small Undead 
Source Pathfinder #200: Seven Dooms for Sandpoint pg. 63
Male goblin graveknight
Perception +10; darkvision
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Goblin, Varisian
Skills Athletics +12, Intimidation +12, Medicine +10, Nature +10, Stealth +10
Str +4, Dex +2, Con +5, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +3
Items +1 striking wounding dogslicer, breastplate
AC 21; Fort +13, Ref +10, Will +9
HP 90 (negative healing, rejuvenation); Immunities death effects, disease, fire, paralyzed, poison, unconscious
Sacrilegious Aura 30 feet (aura, divine, void) 30 feet. When a creature in the aura uses a vitality spell or ability, the graveknight automatically attempts to counteract it, with the listed counteract modifier, with a +13 counteract modifier.Attack of Opportunity [reaction]
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] dogslicer +13 [+9/+5] (agile, finesse, backstabber, goblin), Damage 2d6-2+4 slashing plus 1d6 fire and 1d6 bleedDevastating Blast [two-actions] (arcane, evocation, fire) The graveknight unleashes a 30-foot cone of energy. Creatures in the area take 4d12 fire damage (DC 22 basic Reflex save). The graveknight can use this ability once every 1d4 rounds.Dogslicer Cruelty On a critical hit with a dogslicer, Ripnugget yanks bits of flesh from his victim as he rips the blade free. The target becomes sickened 1 from the pain, and is flat-footed as long as they remain sickened.Graveknight's Curse This curse affects anyone who wears a graveknight's armor for at least 1 hour. Saving Throw DC 22 Will save; Onset 1 hour; Stage 1 doomed 1 and cannot remove the armor (1 day); Stage 2 doomed 2, hampered 10, and cannot remove the armor (1 day); Stage 3 dies and transforms into the armor's graveknight.Phantom Mount [three-actions] (arcane, conjuration) he graveknight summons a supernatural mount as per phantom steed, heightened to a level equal to half the graveknight's level. Unlike phantom steed, the steed's AC and saving throw bonuses are all 4 lower than the graveknight's, and the steed has one-third the graveknight's Hit Points (rounded down). If the steed is destroyed, the graveknight must wait 1 hour before using this ability again. Ripnugget's mount is a giant gecko (HP 37; AC 19, Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +7) named Stickfoot.Weapon Master The graveknight has access to the critical specialization effects of any weapons it wields.