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Harpoon CannonItem 7

Uncommon Large Mounted 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 115 2.1
Price 700 gp; Ammunition harpoon cannon bolt (3 gp, 2 Bulk)
Usage mounted (black powder); Space 9 feet long, 7 feet wide, 5 feet high
Crew 3-5; Proficiency martial
AC 20; Fort +17; Ref +13
Hardness 10; HP 70 (BT 35); Immunities object immunities
Speed 15 feet (pulled or pushed)
Harpoon cannons fire bolts about 6 feet long that are attached to 200 feet of rope. Traditionally, they are used at sea to impale aquatic creatures, particularly giant squids, megalodons, and sea serpents. But these weapons can also be useful to tether land-based big game, especially those with the capability to burrow.

Aim [one-action] 60 feet, minimum distance 40 feet

Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 2 times, requires a successful DC 20 Athletics check

Launch [one-action] (attack, manipulate, range 200 feet) 6d12 piercing, single target, DC 22 Reflex. On a failed save, the harpoon becomes lodged in the target’s body. The target can remove the harpoon with a DC 22 check to Escape or Force Open, but on a failure, the target takes 6d4 piercing damage. As long as the harpoon cannon bolt remains lodged, the target cannot move more than 200 feet away from the harpoon cannon. If the harpoon cannon bolt is embedded in a creature that isn’t swimming, one member of the crew can attempt to Trip the creature by tugging on the rope if all other crew members Aid. On a failure, the bolt rips free, causing 4d4 piercing damage to the target but releasing it.