Mythic Callings | Mythic Feats | Mythic Destinies

United Front Feat 14

Source War of Immortals pg. 124
Archetype Broken Chain
Prerequisites Broken Chain Dedication

Thanks to your powerful speeches, your movement finds allies in all sectors of society and even across enemy lines, all eager to help you accomplish your goals. If you spend a Mythic Point when you use Ultimatum of Liberation, you can ask four questions related to that creature, as if you succeeded at four Recall Knowledge checks. This information comes to you over the course of the next 1 to 2 hours, representing tidbits of information you glean from local supporters. After receiving this information, the first time you roll Initiative in an encounter with the target of your Ultimatum of Liberation or their allies, you and all your allies can make your Initiative check with mythic proficiency.



Options with this trait grant or utilize mythic power. Feats with the mythic trait can only be taken by mythic characters, who are typically characters with a mythic Calling.

Monsters with the mythic trait have access to a pool of Mythic Points and are particularly strong for creatures of their level. Many mythic monsters are either resistant or entirely immune to attacks from non-mythic creatures and weapons.

Spells with the mythic trait require the expenditure of a Mythic Point in order to be cast, and items with the mythic trait require the expenditure of a Mythic Point in order to use their activated abilities.

Weapons with the mythic trait overcome the resistances and immunities of mythic monsters.