Relinquish Control [free-action] Feat 1Animist Apparition Source War of Immortals pg. 22Trigger Your turn begins.
Your apparition takes over and shields you from outside influence. Until the start of your next turn, you gain a +4 status bonus on saves against spells and effects that give you the
controlled condition or attempt to influence your actions (such as
command, or a
nosoi’s haunting melody). However, the only actions you can take are to
Recall Knowledge,
Cast an apparition Spell, Cast a vessel Spell,
Sustain a vessel spell, or use an action that has the
apparition trait. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Recall Knowledge checks made using Lore skills granted by your attuned apparitions.
Special This feat requires a particularly strong bond with a specific apparition to learn. Choose one apparition you have access to; once you learn this feat, you must always choose that apparition as one of the apparitions you attune to each day.
Relinquish Control Leads To...
Instinctive ManeuversTraits
Apparition: Apparitions are spiritual entities who generally lack the power, cohesiveness, or attachments to enter or affect the physical world. Unlike a ghost or phantom, an apparition does not need to have ever been a living creature and could be the spiritual memory of a particularly meaningful location or event. Apparitions are reliant on animists to interact with other people and things, and generally can't be targeted or affected by spells and abilities other than those of the animist they are attuned to. Animist feats and abilities that affect spirits affect apparitions only if they specifically say so.
Animist abilities with the apparition trait involve one or more of your apparitions acting alongside you. You must be attuned to at least one apparition to use an apparition ability, and some abilities might state in their requirements more specifically which apparition you must be attuned to. Typically, you're assumed to always attune to your apparitions during your daily preparations, but in some rare circumstances or as a result of certain animist abilities, your apparitions might be dispersed or separated from you for a time; you aren't attuned to dispersed apparitions.