There is a Legacy version
Delay Affliction
[two-actions] Focus 3Uncommon Concentrate Focus Healing Manipulate Oracle Vitality Source Player Core 2 pg. 260 1.1Mystery lifeRange 30 feet;
Targets 1 creature
With a surge of healing energy, you push back against an affliction threatening the target and grant a small amount of healing. The target recovers 3d8 Hit Points. You attempt to
counteract any one affliction you are aware the target has, suspending its effects for 1 hour on a success rather than removing it. The target is then temporarily immune to
delay affliction for 1 day. You don't need to have identified the name of the specific affliction, but you do need to be aware of it; for instance, you couldn't delay an
ingested poison during its onset period unless you were aware of the poison.
Heightened (+1) The target recovers an additional 1d8 Hit Points, and you can attempt to suspend an additional affliction.