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PFS StandardTaiga Linnorm

Taiga linnorms are covered in hundreds of quill-like black spines as sharp as spears. Wise hunters native to linnorm-infested lands know to watch for spines stuck in the bark of conifers—a sure sign that a taiga linnorm has recently passed through. Sometimes this means of tracking isn't enough to avoid an encounter, however; taiga linnorms, like their tarn and tor brethren, are skilled stalkers. They prefer to lurk in half-frozen bogs or swampy marshlands with their heads poking just above the water's surface, ever watchful for unwary prey.

Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 41
Unspecific Lore: DC 39
Specific Lore: DC 36

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak Taiga LinnormCreature 18

Legacy Content

Uncommon CE Gargantuan Dragon 
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 167 2.0
Perception +31; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feet, true seeing
Languages Aklo, Draconic, Sylvan
Skills Acrobatics +31, Athletics +35, Stealth +33
Str +10, Dex +6, Con +8, Int -2, Wis +6, Cha +7
AC 42; Fort +33, Ref +29, Will +27; +1 status to all saves vs. magic
HP 365, regeneration 15 (deactivated by cold iron); Immunities curse, electricity, paralyzed, sleep; Weaknesses cold iron 15
Curse of Endless Storms (curse, electricity, primal) When a creature slays a taiga linnorm, it must succeed at a DC 44 Will save or permanently gain weakness 20 to electricity.Spines Any creature that makes a melee attack against a taiga linnorm is stabbed by the taiga linnorm's spines and takes 1d6 piercing damage per attack. A melee weapon with reach protects the user against these spines.Attack of Opportunity [reaction] Tail only.
Speed 40 feet, fly 100 feet, swim 50 feet; freedom of movement
Melee [one-action] jaws +35 [+30/+25] (magical, reach 25 feet), Damage 4d12-2+18 piercing plus taiga linnorm venomMelee [one-action] claw +35 [+31/+27] (agile, magical, reach 25 feet), Damage 4d8-2+18 slashingMelee [one-action] tail +35 [+31/+27] (agile, magical, reach 30 feet), Damage 5d6-2+18 bludgeoning plus Improved GrabPrimal Innate Spells DC 39 (-4 dmg); Constant (9th) freedom of movement; (8th) true seeing
Breath Weapon [two-actions] (electricity, evocation, primal) The taiga linnorm breathes a 60.foot cone of electrified vapor, dealing 20d6 electricity damage to creatures in the area (DC 39 basic Reflex save). The electrified mist persists for 1d4 rounds, dealing 6d6 electricity damage (DC 39 basic Reflex save) to each creature that ends its turn in the mist. The taiga linnorm can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Taiga Linnorm Venom (electricity, poison) Saving Throw DC 40 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 10 rounds; Stage 1 7d6 electricity damage and drained 1 (1 round); Stage 2 10d6 electricity damage and drained 2 (1 round)

All Monsters in "Linnorm"

Cairn Linnorm18
Crag Linnorm14
Fjord Linnorm16
Ice Linnorm17
Shoal Linnorm15
Taiga Linnorm19
Tarn Linnorm20
Tor Linnorm21
Young Linnorm7


Source Bestiary pg. 224
Immense, primeval dragons of the northern reaches of the world, linnorms hate those they deem to be lesser creatures and seek to inflict as much suffering as possible upon their unfortunate victims. While these serpentine monstrosities might not be the powerful winged dragons most imagine, they nonetheless possess incredible strength and deadly powers that often rival authentic dragon brutality.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Death Curses

The death curses of the linnorms are often the subjects of tragic sagas, and those who would think themselves vanquishing heroes for slaying a linnorm often meet their dooms soon thereafter, succumbing to these curses well after the death of the linnorm responsible for bestowing it.

Sidebar - Additional Lore First World Connections

Linnorms have a deep connection to the First World, the primordial home of the fey. While linnorms typically won't think twice before devouring a gnome or other fey, they do have an unusual respect for wielders of powerful primal magic. The only way to cow a linnorm, according to common wisdom, is to remind it that there are forces of nature even stronger than itself.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Linnorm Kings

In the storied Lands of the Linnorm Kings, the slaying of a linnorm is traditionally required for those who would claim a nation’s crown. Recently, though, the Linnorm King White Estrid claimed her crown not by slaying a linnorm but by beating it into submission, gaining a powerful and dangerous ally to help secure her rule.

Sidebar - Advice and Rules Linnorm Legends

Creatures as powerful as linnorms tend to spawn stories of their own, accurate or not. Critical failure on a check to Recall Knowledge on linnorms might suggest that you can avoid a linnorm's death curse by closing your eyes as you deliver the fatal blow, or that rubbing poison oak on yourself can ward off a linnorm's attention.

Sidebar - Treasure and Rewards Linnorm Treasure

As with true dragons, linnorms tend to amass immense piles of treasure in their lairs. These hoards consist of the weapons, gear, and belongings of would-be vanquishers more often than minted coins or works of art.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Newborn Linnorms

Almost all linnorms lead solitary lives; they are too reprehensible for even their own kind to tolerate for any length of time. Most species do not even meet to reproduce; rather, female linnorms usually deposit a solitary egg in a remote location, which a wandering male linnorm then fertilizes and places in a nook suitable for incubation. Newborn linnorms range in size from that of adult crocodiles to full-grown bulls, and their growth is rapid. Even a juvenile linnorm is strong enough to wreak havoc on a small settlement— though most don't dare to commit such audacious pillaging, for fear of evoking the anger of another, larger linnorm in the area.

Sidebar - Related Creatures Other Linnorms

Linnorms exist in a variety of forms beyond the four detailed here. The gaunt cairn linnorm, the spiny taiga linnorm, and the aquatic fjord linnorm each terrorize their own specific regions of the Material Plane.

Sidebar - Related Creatures Rarer Linnorms

While the linnorms presented here and in the first Bestiary constitute the majority of these creatures, others exist, particularly in the remote regions of the First World. It may be that these rare linnorms simply find the Material Plane too constraining for their might!