Ancestries | Versatile Heritages

Sprite Details | Sprite Feats | Universal Ancestry Feats | Sprite Heritages

PFS StandardHero's Wings Feat 9

Legacy Content

Source Ancestry Guide pg. 131 3.0
Prerequisites Energize Wings

Your wings have grown to their full, majestic form, granting you the unlimited power of flight. You have a fly Speed of 25 feet at all times. Furthermore, sprites recognize you as a powerful hero (or villain) by your unique wings and are appropriately impressed. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Diplomacy and Intimidation checks against sprites and gain the benefits of the Glad-Hand skill feat against other sprites, without taking a –5 penalty to your Diplomacy check.



A family of diminutive winged fey with a strong connection to primal magic.