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Chapter 3: Classes / Companions / Animal Companions

Companion Types

Source Player Core pg. 206 2.0
The species of animal you choose is called your companion's type. Each companion type has its own statistics, as follows.
Size The companion's size
Unarmed Attacks One or more entries with the companion's unarmed attacks and their traits and damage
Attribute Modifiers Starting attribute modifiers
Hit Points The companion's ancestry Hit Points
Skill An additional trained skill your companion has
Senses Special senses your companion has
Speed Your companion's Speeds
Special If present, this lists any special ability your companion has, such as whether it often serves as a mount.
Support Benefit A special benefit you gain by Commanding the Animal to use the Support action (see below).
Advanced Maneuver A powerful new action your companion learns how to use if it becomes a nimble or savage animal companion.

Support [one-action]

Source Player Core pg. 206 2.0
Requirements The creature is an animal companion.
Your animal companion supports you. You gain the benefits listed in the companion type’s Support Benefit entry. If the animal uses the Support action, the only other actions it can use on this turn are basic move actions to get into position to take advantage of the Support benefits; if it has already used any other action this turn, it can’t Support you.