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Chapter 1: Introduction


Source Player Core pg. 35 2.0
Selection of a deity is critical for clerics, but most characters pay respect to at least one deity to find a focus in life and guide their choices, especially in times of hardship or need. Some people instead worship a group of deities arranged in a pantheon, follow a non-deific religion like the Green Faith, or adhere to a specific philosophy. Note that far more deities, religions, and philosophies exist on any world, Golarion included, than those detailed below.


Source Player Core pg. 35 2.0
Anyone can worship a deity, but those who do so devoutly should take care to pursue the faith’s edicts (behaviors the faith encourages) and avoid its anathemas (actions considered blasphemous, and could cause a god to revoke their blessings). Each deity below has their name and title, followed by a short description and cultural information, including the attributes for characters who have the Raised by Belief background. Following that are the benefits available to the most ardent devotees of the deities. You get these benefits only if you’re a cleric of the deity or some other rule specifically gives you a devotee benefit.

Faiths and Philosophies

Source Player Core pg. 39 2.0
Of course, faith can express itself in more ways than venerating a single deity—or a deity at all. A few examples of non-deific religions and philosophies are presented below. These faiths and philosophies don’t have an external godhead that offers benefits to devotees.