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Sorcerer Details | Sorcerer Feats | Sorcerer Focus Spells | Sorcerer Kits | Bloodlines

There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardDemonic

Source Player Core 2 pg. 150 1.1
Demons debase all they touch. One of your ancestors fell victim to their corruption, and you're burdened by that sin.



Bloodline Skills

Intimidation, Religion

Sorcerous Gifts

cantrip: caustic blast, 1st: fear, 2nd: enlarge, 3rd: slow, 4th: divine wrath, 5th: blister, 6th: disintegrate, 7th: divine decree, 8th: canticle of everlasting grief, 9th: implosion

Bloodline Spells

initial: glutton's jaws, advanced: swamp of sloth, greater: chthonian wrath

Blood Magic—Corruption of Sin

You mentally broadcast brief glimpses into the darkest desires of the mind. Either a target takes a –1 status penalty to AC for 1 round, or you gain a +2 status bonus to Intimidation checks for 1 round.