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Plane of FirePlane

Source GM Core pg. 176 2.0
Category Inner Sphere Planes
Divinities elemental lords of fire, Feronia
Native Inhabitants fire elementals, ifrits, magma dragons, munsahirs, shades (fire pneuma)
Like a great, gleaming ball of flame situated at the heart of the Astral Plane, the Plane of Fire is the outermost plane of the Inner Sphere. A perpetual ocean of fire with skies of smoke, storms of raining cinders, and lakes and rivers of magma flowing along its border with the Elemental Plane of Earth, the plane is incredibly hostile to those unprepared for its natural hazards. Yet, it houses one of the most well-known and traversed cities in all the planes: Medina Mudii’a, capital of the Dominion of Flame. Floating above a sea of fire upon a great hemisphere of magical brass, Medina Mudii’a is a monument both to ifrits’ cosmopolitan grandeur and tyranny, the latter embodied by the grand sultana of the ifrits. Outside of the mercantile districts and the palaces and temples of the fire genies, the city houses a vast oppressed underclass, including creatures from other planes.

The ifrit domain isn’t absolute, and elsewhere in the plane are nations of fire scamps and the remains of an ancient munsahir empire. While they don’t form any cohesive, organized nations, the plane’s fire elementals are ruled over by the plane’s most powerful entity, Ymeri the Queen of the Inferno, the warlike elemental lord of fire whose reign has gone unquestioned since the imprisonment of her rival Atreia eons ago.