Shifting Sand
[three-actions] Spell 3Legacy Content
Earth Transmutation Source Gods & Magic pg. 110 2.0Traditions arcane,
primalDeities Anubis,
YamatsumiCast [three-actions] material,
verbalRange 30 feet;
Area a horizontal earthen or sandy surface within a 20-foot burst
Duration sustained up to 1 minute
You cause the surface to heave. The area becomes difficult terrain and any tracks in the area are destroyed by the churning ground. Creatures standing in the area take a –1 status penalty to
Acrobatics checks to
Balance and
Tumble Through and Athletics checks to
High Jump and
Long Jump. The first time each round you Sustain the Spell, you can move the churning area up to 10 feet in any direction. Creatures
immobilized by the spell are carried along with the shifting sand in the same direction, if possible; this movement is
forced movement. Creatures that enter or begin their turn standing in the shifting sand must attempt a Reflex save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected and ignores the area’s difficult terrain and penalty to skill checks until the end of its turn.
Success The creature ignores the area’s penalty to skill checks until the end of its turn.
Failure The creature is affected normally by the spell this turn.
Critical Failure The creature becomes
immobilized within the spell’s area until it
Escapes. If the creature was already immobilized by shifting sands, it also falls
Heightened (5th) The status penalty increases to –2 and the spell’s range increases to 60 feet.
Heightened (7th) The status penalty increases to –3, the spell’s range increases to 60 feet, and the spell’s area increases to a 30-foot burst.
Heightened (9th) The status penalty increases to –4, the spell’s range increases to 60 feet, and the spell’s area increases to a 40-foot burst.