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Grappling GunItem 0+

Legacy Content

Source Guns & Gears pg. 64 2.0
This wooden, pistol-like device features a large reel coiled with 100 feet of thin metal cord and can fire a grappling hook up to 100 feet. To reload the grappling gun, you must manually recoil the cord by turning the reel's crank, and then lock in the grappling hook. Reloading a grappling gun takes 1 minute.

PFS StandardGrappling GunItem 0

Source Guns & Gears pg. 64 2.0
Price 3 gp
Hands 2;Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 1

PFS StandardGrappling Gun (Clockwork)Item 1

Source Guns & Gears pg. 64 2.0
Price 15 gp
Hands 2;Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 1
Clockwork controls the reel on this grappling gun, reeling the grappling hook back in when you pull a lever. Reloading a clockwork grappling gun takes three Interact actions.

PFS StandardWrist GrapplerItem 2

Source Firebrands pg. 82 2.0
Price 25 gp
Hands 1;Bulk 2
Access Second-mark members of the Firebrands have access to this item.
This specialized grappling gun, which attaches to your wrist, connects to a spool of 50 feet of thin metal cord attached to a pack on your back. The wrist grappler and pack are small enough that they can be concealed with a loose jacket or similar piece of clothing. You can deploy or stow the gun from the attached wrist device with an Interact action. Reloading a wrist grappler uses the same process as reloading a standard grappling gun and takes 1 minute.

PFS StandardWrist Grappler (Clockwork)Item 3

Source Firebrands pg. 85 2.0
Price 40 gp
Hands 1;Bulk 2
Access Second-mark members of the Firebrands have access to this item.
Reloading a clockwork wrist grappler takes three Interact actions.