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PFS StandardScroll BeltItem 3

Legacy Content

Source Firebrands pg. 82 2.0
Price 15 gp
Hands 1; Bulk L
Access Second-mark members of the Firebrands have access to this item.
These belts are specially designed to allow for writing along the inside surface. You can scribe a spell to a scroll belt, Crafting the scroll as normal. A scroll belt can only hold a single spell, and you must Cast the Spell before you can scribe another spell to the belt. You can't Cast a Spell from the belt while wearing it; you must remove the belt with an Interact action. A scroll belt acts as a mundane belt, but when a spell is scribed on it, any creature can immediately discern that an unattended belt holds magic. If you're wearing the belt, a creature can notice the belt holds a spell with a successful Perception check against your Stealth DC.