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There is a Legacy version here.

ResilientItem 8+

Source GM Core pg. 226 2.0
Usage etched onto armor; Bulk
Resilient runes imbue armor with additional protective magic. This grants the wearer a +1 item bonus to saving throws. You can upgrade the resilient rune already etched on a suit of armor using the normal process for upgrading items and runes.

PFS StandardResilientItem 8

Source GM Core pg. 226 2.0
Price 340 gp

PFS StandardResilient (Greater)Item 14

Source GM Core pg. 226 2.0
Price 3,440 gp
The armor grants a +2 item bonus to saving throws

PFS StandardResilient (Major)Item 20

Source GM Core pg. 226 2.0
Price 49,440 gp
The armor grants a +3 item bonus to saving throws.