Spirit Sheath Feat 2Legacy Content
Arcane Conjuration Extradimensional Magus Source Secrets of Magic pg. 44 2.0
You've magically constructed an extradimensional sheath for your weapon that you access through your clothing, typically through a pocket, sleeve, or seam. This sheath is hard to notice, granting a +2 circumstance bonus to your
Stealth checks to
Conceal an Item within it. A spirit sheath can hold only one weapon at a time, and the weapon must be 1 Bulk or less.
During a
Spellstrike, you can Interact to draw the weapon before you Cast the Spell. You can draw or return a weapon in a spirit sheath as an Interact action, as can anyone else holding or wearing the clothing that contains the sheath. A
dispel magic spell or similar effect can be used against the spirit sheath to expel the weapon. The
counteract check is made against your spell DC and uses the sheath's counteract level of 1. The weapon is also expelled if you become
Arcane: This magic comes from the arcane tradition, which is built on logic and rationality. Anything with this trait is magical.
A creature with this trait is primarily constituted of or has a strong connection to arcane magic.
Conjuration: Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the conjuration school of magic, typically involving summoning, creation, teleportation, or moving things from place to place.
Extradimensional: This effect or item creates an extradimensional space. An extradimensional effect placed inside another extradimensional space ceases to function until it is removed.