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Source Bestiary pg. 158
Some creatures, notably drow, are not happy with merely killing their enemies. They revel in the total degradation of their foes through the horrifying transformative technique known as fleshwarping. Though the fleshwarping process was not created by the drow, many believe they perfected it. The drow torture their enemies in vats of churning magical reagents, reshaping their flesh and psyche alike into horrid and monstrous things. The reconstitution of flesh results in countless variations of fleshwarps, and the following are just a couple of examples of these horrors.

Although twisting victims into horrid shapes is a well-known pastime of evil drow, other subterranean monsters have stolen these practices or developed them independently. The worm-like seugathis sometimes warp other creatures whose territories abut their lightless lands; the fleshwarps below result from morlocks and urdefhans, respectively.


Dreshkan (Creature 4), Drider (Creature 6), Ghonhatine (Creature 10), Grothlut (Creature 3), Irnakurse (Creature 9), Mulventok (Creature 7)

Sidebar - Additional Lore Failed Fleshwarps

Not every fleshwarp emerges from its vat capable of survival. Many perish within minutes, as organs fundamental for life simply fail or collapse in on themselves. Fleshwarpers can usually recycle failed fleshwarps back into the mix quickly enough, but now and then, remnants known as fleshdregs are stable enough to live pain-wracked lives of their own. These foul creatures often infest fleshwarper holdings, like rats or other vermin do in less awful locations.

Sidebar - Related Creatures Other Fleshwarps

Grothluts may be the weakest example of a fleshwarp, and driders the most successful, but others exist as well. Ghonhatines are lumbering fleshwarps formed from xulgaths, while the tentacled irnakurses are formed from surface-dwelling elves. Sinspawn are fleshwarps as well, of course, although their methods of creation differ drastically from the techniques mastered by drow.