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PFS LimitedGuiding StarItem 7

Legacy Content

Chaotic Divine Evocation Good 
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 185 2.0
Price 325 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Base Weapon Starknife
This +1 striking returning starknife is made of dark blue metal overlaid with smoky flecks of fused quartz. When you Cast an evocation Spell, your next attack this turn with this starknife reduces the target's cover, changing greater cover to standard cover or ignoring standard and lesser cover.

Activate [reaction] envision; Frequency once per 10 minutes; Trigger You successfully Strike a creature with a thrown Strike with guiding star; Effect Soft light outlines the target. At the beginning of your next turn, the guiding star's blades detach and form into darts of starlight, flying up to 40 feet and striking the target unerringly, collectively dealing 4 piercing damage and 1 good damage before re-forming. The piercing damage increases to 6 with a greater striking rune and 8 with a major striking rune.