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Blast LanceItem 4+

This Item may contain spoilers from the Outlaws of Alkenstar Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Uncommon Evocation Fire Magical 
Source Pathfinder #180: The Smoking Gun pg. 74
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 2
Base Weapon Lance
This weapon is a long +1 lance with a muzzle built into the pointed tip, allowing the user to fire the chamber after a successful melee attack. A barrel running down the length of the lance allows you to load firearm ammunition into the base of the weapon more easily than it might seem from the design. It takes 2 actions to reload a blast lance.

Activate [free-action] command; Trigger You strike a foe with the blast lance; Requirements The blast lance is loaded with a round; Effect You fire a blast of gunpowder through the weapon that deals 2d8 fire damage. The foe must attempt a DC 18 Fortitude save.

Critical Success The target is unaffected by the blast of gunpowder and the blast lance misfires and jams.
Success The target takes half the fire damage.
Failure The target takes the full fire damage and is pushed back 5 feet. You can Stride after it, but you must move the same distance and in the same direction.
Critical Failure The target takes double damage and is pushed back 10 feet. You can Stride after it, but you must move the same distance and in the same direction.

PFS LimitedBlast LanceItem 4

Source Pathfinder #180: The Smoking Gun pg. 74
Price 100 gp
Bulk 2

PFS LimitedBlast Lance (Greater)Item 8

Source Pathfinder #180: The Smoking Gun pg. 74
Price 500 gp
Bulk 2
A greater blast lance is a +1 striking lance whose blast deals 3d8 fire damage instead of 2d8 fire damage. The Fortitude save DC is 24.