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Wondrous FigurineItem 2+

Legacy Content

Conjuration Magical 
Source Core Rulebook pg. 576 4.0
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Each one of these statuettes is 1 inch in height, carved from a specific material and taking the shape of a particular animal or animals.

Activate [two-actions] command, Interact; Effect You activate the statue by placing it on solid ground and then speaking its name, causing the statuette to transform into a living creature or creatures. In creature form, the figurine has the minion trait. It can understand your language and it obeys you to the best of its ability when you use an action to command it. The specifics of each creature, as well as the activation’s frequency (if any), appear in its entry below.

If the figurine is slain while in animal form, it reverts to its statue shape and cannot be activated again until 1 week has passed. If the figurine is destroyed in statue form, it is shattered and its magic is lost.

PFS StandardWondrous Figurine (Onyx Dog)Item 2

Source Core Rulebook pg. 576 4.0
Price 34 gp
This simple onyx statue transforms into a guard dog. The dog has a +4 circumstance bonus to Survival checks to Track, and it has darkvision. When the dog senses a hidden creature with its scent, that creature is instead observed and concealed. The onyx dog can be activated once per week and remains in its form for up to 6 hours.

PFS LimitedWondrous Figurine (Candy Constrictor)Item 5

This Item may contain spoilers from the Extinction Curse Adventure Path

Source Pathfinder #152: Legacy of the Lost God pg. 75
Price 140 gp
Although appearing as a multicolored piece of stick candy, this figurine bears a narrow snake head at one end and is as durable as stone. When activated, it becomes a rainbow-striped ball python except it lacks the Stealth skill. The snake can be used once per day, and it can remain in snake form for up to 20 minutes.

PFS LimitedWondrous Figurine (Stuffed Fox)Item 5

This Item may contain spoilers from the Blood Lords Adventure Path

Source Pathfinder #182: Graveclaw pg. 77
Price 125 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
This small toy fox has tufted, fluffy ears and buttons for eyes. When activated, it transforms into a big fox with the statistics of a riding dog. The stuffed fox always allows you to ride it. While you do, you don't take the –2 penalty to Reflex saves while being mounted, and its jaws Strike gains Knockdown. The stuffed fox can be activated once a day and remains in its form for up to 1 hour.

PFS StandardWondrous Figurine (Jade Serpent)Item 7

Source Core Rulebook pg. 576 4.0
Price 340 gp
This tiny statue first appears to be a formless lump of jade until closer inspection reveals it to be a serpentine body curled into a snug knot. When activated, this figurine becomes a giant viper. The figurine can be used only once per day, and it can remain in serpent form for no more than 10 minutes.

PFS LimitedWondrous Figurine (Rubber Bear)Item 7

This Item may contain spoilers from the Extinction Curse Adventure Path

Source Pathfinder #152: Legacy of the Lost God pg. 75
Price 350 gp
This small, stretchable statuette depicts a bear wearing a tutu and a fez and balancing on a ball slightly larger than its head. When activated, it becomes a grizzly bear with similar attire. The bear remains balanced upon its rubber ball, and is therefore ungainly: it cannot Climb or Swim, has a –10- foot circumstance penalty to its Speed, and is always flat-footed. If the bear leaves its ball, such as if it is repositioned with forced movement or knocked prone, it immediately reverts to statuette form. The bear can be used once per day, and it can remain in bear form for up to 1 hour.

PFS LimitedWondrous Figurine (Bismuth Leopards)Item 8

This Item may contain spoilers from the Strength of Thousands Adventure Path

Source Pathfinder #170: Spoken on the Song Wind pg. 77
Price 495 gp
Bulk L
This exquisitely crafted statuette is carved into the form of twin panthers climbing a tree. When activated, it transforms into a pair of beautiful leopards that are carved out of bismuth and flash hypnotically as they move. Creatures that come within 5 feet of a bismuth leopard or that end their turn within 5 feet of a bismuth leopard become dazzled for 1 round unless they succeed at a DC 24 Will save. A creature that comes within 5 feet of both leopards or ends its turn within 5 feet of both leopards need only attempt one saving throw each time. The leopards can be called on only once per day, and they remain in their leopard form for up to 10 minutes. If either of the leopards is slain, that leopard can't be summoned again until 1 week has passed, but this doesn't prevent you from summoning the other leopard.

PFS LimitedWondrous Figurine (Ruby Hippopotamus)Item 9

This Item may contain spoilers from the Strength of Thousands Adventure Path

Source Pathfinder #170: Spoken on the Song Wind pg. 77
Price 700 gp
Bulk L
This roughly hewn ruby figurine shimmers with a deep red hue and is carved into the likeness of an ornery hippopotamus. When activated, it transforms into an enraged hippopotamus that sees everything within 30 feet of its activation area as its territory. It will relentlessly and ferociously attack anyone within this area except you, but it ignores your commands in favor of defending its area. The hippopotamus is active for 1 minute before reverting to its statue shape, satisfied that it has punished all possible interlopers into its territory. The figurine can be used only once per day

PFS StandardWondrous Figurine (Golden Lions)Item 10

Source Core Rulebook pg. 576 4.0
Price 900 gp
This statuette depicts a pair of gold lions, and when activated, it becomes a pair of adult lions. The lions can be called on only once per day, and they remain in lion form for no more than 1 hour. If either of the lions is slain, that lion cannot be summoned again until 1 week has passed, but this doesn't prevent you from summoning the other.

PFS StandardWondrous Figurine (Marble Elephant)Item 13

Source Core Rulebook pg. 576 4.0
Price 2,700 gp
Finely carved from a solid piece of marble, this gleaming elephant statuette becomes a fully grown elephant when activated. The elephant can be called upon no more than four times per month. It remains for 24 hours as long as it is being used as a beast of burden or for transport. If it attempts an attack or otherwise engages in combat, it reverts to statuette form after 1d4 rounds.

PFS StandardWondrous Figurine (Obsidian Steed)Item 15

Source Core Rulebook pg. 576 4.0
Price 6,000 gp
This sinister-looking black statuette resembles a horse rearing up on its hind legs. When activated, this figurine becomes a nightmare. It can be called upon once per week for up to 24 hours, though it won't use plane shift or its other abilities on behalf of its rider. Although evil, it allows itself to be ridden by creatures of any alignment, although if a good creature mounts it, the rider must attempt a DC 3 flat check. On a failure, the nightmare uses plane shift to take the rider to a random location in the Abyss, where it promptly returns to statue form, stranding its rider in that nightmarish place.