Ancestries | Versatile Heritages

Surki Details | Surki Feats | Universal Ancestry Feats | Surki Heritages

PFS StandardVestigial Magicsense Feat 1

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 50 2.1

While most surkis' ability to taste magic fades once they metamorphose into their adult form—replaced by keener darkvision—you've retained some of this sense. You gain magicsense as a vague sense that has a range of 30 feet— like all vague senses, it's only about as precise as an average human's sense of smell, meaning you generally can predict only if magic is present; however, each tradition of magic has a unique taste to you, allowing you to identify the tradition of magic present.

Vestigial Magicsense Leads To...




Surkis are a subterranean insectile ancestry that absorb ambient magic and evolve unique adaptations.