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There is a Remastered version here.

Archon, Wheel

Among the most terrifying archons to behold, and easily the most difficult for mortals to comprehend, is the wheel archon, so named for its appearance as a flying, armor-plated wheel of fire with eyes on each spoke. Wheel archons often serve as messengers or harbingers for the armies of heaven, as their stubborn, indomitable natures make them ill-suited for missions requiring diplomacy or tact. Indeed, they have a legendary intolerance and single-mindedness in the pursuit of the punishment of evil.

Wheel archons can't tolerate deceit and easily see through lies. The sensation of this celestial being's divine eyes all fixing upon a single target is usually enough to encourage honesty, but when a wheel archon detects a falsehood, their righteous wrath takes over and they mete out punishment to sinners without quarter.

Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 40
Unspecific Lore: DC 38
Specific Lore: DC 35

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak Wheel ArchonCreature 15

Legacy Content

Rare LG Huge Archon Celestial 
Source Pathfinder #183: Field of Maidens pg. 82
Perception +26; darkvision, discern lies, true seeing
Languages Celestial, Draconic, Infernal; tongues
Skills Acrobatics +29, Athletics +28, Intimidation +27, Religion +26, Warfare Lore +27
Str +6, Dex +9, Con +6, Int +5, Wis +6, Cha +3
AC 39; Fort +24, Ref +29, Will +26; +1 status to all saves vs. magic
HP 210; Weaknesses evil 15
All-Knowing Eyes (aura, divination, divine, mental, visual) 30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 32 Will save. If the creature fails, any Deception check it attempts until the end of its next turn has its result reduced by one degree of success. On a failed saving throw, a creature that is currently disguised or in a shape other than its true form also becomes stupefied 1 until the end of its next turn.
Speed fly 50 feet
Melee [one-action] slam +28 [+23/+18] (good, magical), Damage 3d12-2+14 bludgeoning plus 1d6 goodRanged [one-action] tongue of flame +31 [+26/+21] (fire, good, magical, range 30 feet), Damage 3d4-2+8 fire plus 1d6 goodDivine Innate Spells DC 35, attack +27 (-4 dmg); 8th antimagic field, divine wrath; 7th divine decree, flame strike, prying eye, zealous conviction; Constant (8th) discern lies, tongues, true seeing
Fiery Spokes [two-actions] (divine, evocation, fire, good) The wheel archon spins furiously, emitting a rain of divine fire. All creatures in a 60-foot emanation take 12d6 fire damage and 5d6 good damage (DC 35 basic Reflex save). The wheel archon can't use Fiery Spokes for 1d4 rounds.Focus Gaze [one-action] (concentrate, divination, divine, mental, visual) The wheel archon fixes its gaze on a creature they can see within 30 feet. The target must immediately attempt a DC 35 Will save against the wheel archon's all-knowing eyes. If the creature is under any magical effect that disguises it or has altered its shape, the wheel archon attempts to counter that magical disguise effect (counteract +29, 8th level). After attempting its save, the creature is then temporarily immune until the start of the wheel archon's next turn.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Unforgiving Archons

More so than other archons, the wheel archon's view of good and evil is rigid, almost to the point of absolute inflexibility. They carry out other celestials' instructions to the letter—sometimes in ways that incur grave consequences when they're faced with situations that would be served better with moderation and forgiveness. A wheel archon never regrets or feels remorse for their actions, as they see themself as an arbiter of heavenly law.

All Monsters in "Archon"

Bastion Archon20
Horned Archon4
Hound Archon4
Lantern Archon1
Legion Archon7
Shield Archon10
Star Archon19
Trumpet Archon14
Archon, Wheel16
Zoaem (Ring Archon)1


Source Bestiary pg. 26
Archons are guardians of Heaven and enemies of chaos and evil. They openly fight back the spread of fiends but also quietly nurture the seeds of virtue within mortals, teaching the denizens of the Material Plane how to act with honor and integrity, enact just laws, and cast off sin and temptation.

Archons live in the immense seven-tiered mountain of Heaven. They manifest in the Garden at the mountain’s peak from mortal souls who answer a mysterious voice. There they swear to forever serve the cause of justice and transform into their new archon forms. Intensely orderly in their metamorphosis, new archons begin as lantern archons or other lesser forms, transforming into ever-greater archons as their virtue and achievements grow. Each archon represents a particular virtue, such as hope, charity, justice, or courage, and they gain strength in the presence of mortals who exemplify this virtue. Due to their extremely lawful nature, archons sometimes find themselves at odds with azatas.

Sidebar - Treasure and Rewards Archon Aesthetics

While archons do not seek to gather or maintain wealth, they do appreciate beauty and art, and their domains are often decorated with valuable crafts and creative works. Their armor and weapons are similarly ornate, and they always clean and polish their gear after battle. Archons value order—and thus tidiness—in all things.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Archon Divinities

As with angels and azatas, the most powerful of archons are a caste of demigods known collectively as empyreal lords. Each archon empyreal lord is a unique and powerful creature that keeps a domain somewhere in Heaven and is worshipped on Material Plane worlds. Archon divinities serve a variety of goals and focus on different aspects of righteousness. Some, such as Zohls, hold influence over the pursuit of truth and determined investigations, while others, like Damerrich, the demigod of executions, emphasize the punishment of unrepentant wrongdoers and seek to obliterate evil in all its forms.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Archon Evolutions

When a spirit becomes an archon, they usually start as a lantern archon, the lowliest of archonkind. As they perform noble deeds and bolster their pureness of heart, an archon evolves into greater forms, possibly skipping stages or remaining in others for long spans of time, depending on their particular strengths and personality.

Sidebar - Locations Archon Locations

While commonly found in Heaven, archons can also be encountered on the fiendish planes in their endless crusade against evil. On the Material Plane they are usually encountered as advisors or saviors to those in need.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Armored Archons

Always ready to defend others, most archons are never encountered out of their suits of armor. Even those who eschew armor, such as the bastion archon, tend to still appear as if they are wearing heavy protection against the scourge of battle.

Sidebar - Locations Heavenly Mountain

Archons reside in Heaven, a plane that appears as a single massive mountain. Heaven is broken into seven tiers, with most archons occupying the second level and base of army operations, Proelera, or the sixth level, Iudica, the administrative heart of Heaven.

Sidebar - Related Creatures Other Archons

Many other archons than those presented here patrol Heaven or crusade in the fiendish planes, including the resolute hound archon soldiers and sentinels, and the supreme bastion archons, who rank among Heaven’s most powerful defenders.