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Talisman Dabbler
Source Player Core 2 pg. 217The classic idea of magic is that of a hoary wizard, poring over a crumbling book of spells as years pass. But magic is so much more than that—it's thought, will, and action, and with the right talismans, you can make even the cut of a sword a deeply magical act. This all hinges on the small magical talismans you affix to your gear. You know how to make and use the perfect talisman for any job. The utility of talismans seems endless. They can help swords to swing harder, shields to block better, grant a burst of speed in a desperate situation, and even save one from a lethal fall. This all excites you, but no more than exploring just how far you can push your talent. What are the true limits of these baubles? You've heard rumors and tales of great dabblers like yourself mastering the art of creating and affixing fantastical magical memorabilia. Some say that these great sages have found a way to affix multiple talismans to a single object, circumventing the most fundamental limitation of the art. Whether you were formally trained or picked up the skill as a hobby, your talent is undeniable, and the usefulness of talismans is apparent. Take advantage of every ounce of magic you can manipulate and master these mystical trinkets.
Archetype Dedication Source Player Core 2 pg. 217Archetype Talisman Dabbler
You are trained in the use of
talismans and similar magical paraphernalia. This training might have occurred in a formal classroom or been an accumulation of folk magic picked up over time. You can craft talismans and know the formulas for all common talismans of your level or lower. You remember talisman formulas and don't need a formula book for them.
Additionally, you carry a vast collection of magical baubles you can turn into temporary talismans. Each day during your daily preparations, you can make two talismans with an item level no higher than half your level. You must know each talisman's formula. A talisman created this way is a temporary item and loses its magic the next time you make your daily preparations if you haven't already used it. Any saving throw DC required by a temporary talisman you create uses the highest of your class DC, spell DC, or the talisman's DC.
Finally, when you
Affix a Talisman, you can (in any combination) affix or remove up to four talismans in the 10-minute span.
Archetype Source Player Core 2 pg. 217Archetype Talisman DabblerPrerequisites Talisman Dabbler Dedication
You can attach a
talisman using only a bit of glue and some string. You gain the
Rapid Affixture skill feat, even if you don't meet the prerequisites. When you use it, you can affix or remove up to four talismans in 1 minute instead of just one.
You gain the ability to
Affix a Talisman as a 3-action activity from that feat at 12th level, regardless of your
Crafting proficiency.
Archetype Source Player Core 2 pg. 217Archetype Talisman DabblerPrerequisites Talisman Dabbler Dedication
With some streamlining to your process and a deeper collection of
talisman materials, you make a greater number of talismans every day. You can create two additional talismans during your daily preparations.
Special You can select this feat a second time if you are 14th level or higher.
Archetype Source Player Core 2 pg. 217Archetype Talisman DabblerPrerequisites Talisman Dabbler Dedication
Normally, affixing more than one
talisman to an item causes the talismans to be suppressed, but when you
Affix a Talisman, you can specially treat one item you're working on, allowing it to have two active talismans at once. This special treatment ends if you use Affix a Talisman to treat a new item for this ability.