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PFS StandardMudrock SnareItem 10

Legacy Content

Uncommon Consumable Kobold Mechanical Snare Trap 
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 15
Price 170 gp
Fired clay covers a pit of thin mud interspersed with fragile vials of blue dragon blood. The first creature to step into the square breaks through the clay and sinks into the pit, fracturing the vials and rapidly hardening the mud as it touches the blue dragon blood. That creature must attempt a DC 29 Fortitude save as the mud hardens over its legs.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes a –5-foot circumstance penalty to its Speed for 1 minute or until it Escapes (DC 27).
Failure The creature is stunned 2, and it takes a –10-foot circumstance penalty to its Speed for 1 minute or until it Escapes (DC 27).
Critical Failure The creature is stunned 3, and it's immobilized for 1 minute or until it Escapes (DC 27).

Craft Requirements Supply 75 gp worth of refined blue dragon blood.