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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardRhu-Chalik (Void Wanderer)

Also called void wanderers, rhu-chaliks can survive the depths of space indefinitely, passing between worlds over the eons and scouting those planets for the Dominion of the Black. Rhu-chaliks prefer to work alone in order to reduce potential overlap in their mental predations, but sometimes receive assistance from those who believe the transmission of memories is transcendent. The furtive beings are calculating and infinitely patient, seeking only the most exceptional minds to cast beyond the stars to their masters.

Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 24
Unspecific Lore: DC 22
Specific Lore: DC 19

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Elite are marked in red below.
NOTE: The +2 damage bonus to non-strike offensive abilities (+4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Elite Rhu-ChalikCreature 7

Uncommon Small Aberration 
Source Monster Core pg. 104 1.1
Perception +19; greater darkvision, thoughtsense 60 feet
Languages Aklo; telepathy 100 feet
Skills Athletics +15, Deception +15, Diplomacy +15, Intimidation +15, Stealth +17
Str +3, Dex +3, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +5, Cha +3
Thoughtsense The rhu-chalik senses a creature's mental essence as a precise sense with the listed range; it cannot sense mindless creatures with thoughtsense.
AC 25 all-around vision; Fort +16, Ref +13, Will +19
HP 115
No Breath A rhu-chalik doesn't breathe and is immune to effects that require breathing (such as inhaled poisons).
Speed 5 feet, fly 35 feet
Melee [one-action] tendril +17 [+13/+9] (agile), Damage 2d4+2+6 bludgeoning plus 1d6 mental and excruciating enzymeOccult Innate Spells DC 26 (+4 dmg); 5th mind probe; 4th rewrite memory; 3rd mind reading (at will); 2nd invisibility (self only; at will)
Excruciating Enzyme (occult, poison) A rhu-chalik's tendrils secrete an enzyme that causes intense pain. A living creature hit by a tendril Strike must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude save or become sickened 1 from the pain.Label Memories [two-actions] (mental, occult) The rhu-chalik invades the mind of a target within 100 feet, sorting the memories into alien structures for transmission. The target must attempt a DC 26 Will save.
Critical Success The target creature is unaffected and temporarily immune to Label Memories for 1 minute.
Success The target is unaffected.
Failure The target becomes stupefied 2 for 1 minute as its mind is reorganized to fit the rhu-chalik's needs. If it's already stupefied by this effect, the target instead becomes confused for 1 minute or until it recovers due to taking damage.
Critical Failure As failure, but if the target is already stupefied by Label Memories, they become paralyzed for 1 minute instead of confused.
Transmit Memories [three-actions] (concentrate, mental, occult) Requirements The rhu-chalik is adjacent to a creature paralyzed due to Label Memories; Effect The rhu-chalik copies the creature's consciousness and mentally sends this copied consciousness through the void of space to their waiting masters. The target creature is deeply disoriented by this procedure, becoming stupefied 2 for 1 day afterward.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Connoisseurs of Thoughts

Rhu-chaliks lack both mouths and digestive systems. Instead, they gain sustenance from the thoughts and emotions of sentient beings. Each emotion has a distinctive flavor to rhu-chaliks and, as this feeding doesn't harm the food source, rhu-chaliks often dine repeatedly upon their favorite minds. Some rhu-chaliks even incite various emotions in their prey to elicit new tastes for their mental palettes.

All Monsters in "Dominion of the Black"

Gosreg (Harvest Beacon)11
Jah-Tohl (Mind Snatcher)8
Rhu-Chalik (Void Wanderer)6
Xoarian (Corpse Rider)8

Dominion of the Black

Source Monster Core pg. 104 1.1
The Dominion of the Black is a conglomeration of deep-space conquerors with a strong presence on Aucturn, the most remote planet in Golarion's solar system. The Dominion has secret outposts all over Golarion; most of its members on the planet are scouts, using their skills to steal brains and identities, gathering information without any consideration for the inhabitants of the worlds they infiltrate.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Doomsday Dawn

More scouts are being found on Golarion in the few years since 4718 AR, a date that was set for a major invasion known as the Doomsday Dawn. The brunt of that invasion was thwarted in secret, leaving it a mystery to most scholars why the Dominion is stepping up its scouting.