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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardMagic Sense Feat 12

Arcane Detection Magus Oracle Sorcerer Wizard 
Source Player Core pg. 204 2.0, Player Core 2 pg. 142 1.1
Archetype Lich*
* This archetype offers Magic Sense at a different level than displayed here.

You have a literal sixth sense for ambient magic in your vicinity. You can sense the presence of magic auras as though you were always using a 1st-rank detect magic spell. This detects magic in your field of vision only. When you Seek, you gain the benefits of a 3rd-rank detect magic spell on things you see (in addition to the normal benefits of Seeking). You can turn this sense off and on with a free action at the start or the end of your turn.

Archetype Use

This feat can be used for one or more Archetypes in addition to the listed Classes. When selected this way, the feat is not considered to have its class traits.



This magic comes from the arcane tradition, which is built on logic and rationality. Anything with this trait is magical.

A creature with this trait is primarily constituted of or has a strong connection to arcane magic.


Effects with this trait attempt to determine the presence or location of a person, object, or aura.