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Player Core 2

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Latest Errata 1.1 - 12/16/2024
Release Date 8/1/2024
Product Line Rulebooks
These entries have been updated with errata released on 12/16/2024

Ancestries [11]

Catfolk, Dhampir, Dragonblood, Duskwalker, Hobgoblin, Kholo, Kobold, Lizardfolk, Ratfolk, Tengu, Tripkee

Ancestry Heritages [57]

Ant Kholo, Cave Kholo, Cavernstalker Kobold, Clawed Catfolk, Cliffscale Lizardfolk, Cloudleaper Lizardfolk, Deep Rat, Desert Rat, Dhampir, Dog Kholo, Dogtooth Tengu, Dragonblood, Dragonscaled Kobold, Duskwalker, Elementheart Kobold, Elfbane Hobgoblin, Frilled Lizardfolk, Great Kholo, Hunting Catfolk, Jinxed Tengu, Jungle Catfolk, Liminal Catfolk, Longsnout Rat, Mountainkeeper Tengu, Nine Lives Catfolk, Poisonhide Tripkee, Riverside Tripkee, Runtboss Hobgoblin, Sandstrider Lizardfolk, Sewer Rat, Shadow Rat, Sharp-Eared Catfolk, Shortshanks Hobgoblin, Skyborn Tengu, Smokeworker Hobgoblin, Snaptongue Tripkee, Snow Rat, Spellhorn Kobold, Stickytoe Tripkee, Stormtossed Tengu, Strongjaw Kobold, Sweetbreath Kholo, Taloned Tengu, Thickskin Tripkee, Tunnel Rat, Tunnelflood Kobold, Unseen Lizardfolk, Venomtail Kobold, Warmarch Hobgoblin, Warrenbred Hobgoblin, Wavediver Tengu, Wetlander Lizardfolk, Windweb Tripkee, Winter Catfolk, Winter Kholo, Witch Kholo, Woodstalker Lizardfolk

Archetypes [43]

Acrobat, Alchemist, Archaeologist, Archer, Assassin, Barbarian, Bastion, Beastmaster, Blessed One, Bounty Hunter, Cavalier, Celebrity, Champion, Dandy, Dual-Weapon Warrior, Duelist, Eldritch Archer, Familiar Master, Gladiator, Herbalist, Investigator, Linguist, Marshal, Martial Artist, Mauler, Medic, Monk, Oracle, Pirate, Poisoner, Ritualist, Scout, Scroll Trickster, Scrounger, Sentinel, Snarecrafter, Sorcerer, Swashbuckler, Talisman Dabbler, Vigilante, Viking, Weapon Improviser, Wrestler

Backgrounds [24]

Amnesiac, Astrologer, Barber, Blessed, Bookkeeper, Courier, Cursed, Driver, Feral Child, Feybound, Haunted, Insurgent, Outrider, Pilgrim, Refugee, Returned, Root Worker, Royalty, Saboteur, Scavenger, Servant, Squire, Tax Collector, Ward

Bloodlines [10]

Aberrant, Angelic, Demonic, Diabolic, Draconic, Elemental, Fey, Hag, Imperial, Undead

Champion Causes [7]

Desecration, Grandeur, Iniquity, Justice, Liberation, Obedience, Redemption

Classes [8]

Alchemist, Barbarian, Champion, Investigator, Monk, Oracle, Sorcerer, Swashbuckler

Class Kits [8]

Alchemist, Barbarian, Champion, Investigator, Monk, Oracle, Sorcerer, Swashbuckler

Equipment [365]

Absolute Solvent, Absolute Solvent (Greater), Absolute Solvent (Lesser), Absolute Solvent (Moderate), Acid Flask, Acid Flask (Greater), Acid Flask (Lesser), Acid Flask (Major), Acid Flask (Moderate), Alarm Snare, Alchemist Goggles, Alchemist Goggles (Greater), Alchemist Goggles (Major), Alchemist's Fire, Alchemist's Fire (Greater), Alchemist's Fire (Lesser), Alchemist's Fire (Major), Alchemist's Fire (Moderate), Antidote, Antidote (Greater), Antidote (Lesser), Antidote (Major), Antidote (Moderate), Antiplague, Antiplague (Greater), Antiplague (Lesser), Antiplague (Major), Antiplague (Moderate), Antler Arrow, Arsenic, Balisse Feather, Balisse Feather (Greater), Belladonna, Berserker's Cloak, Berserker's Cloak (Greater), Bestial Mutagen, Bestial Mutagen (Greater), Bestial Mutagen (Lesser), Bestial Mutagen (Major), Bestial Mutagen (Moderate), Biting Snare, Black Adder Venom, Black Lotus Extract, Blasting Stone, Blasting Stone (Greater), Blasting Stone (Lesser), Blasting Stone (Major), Blasting Stone (Moderate), Bleeding Spines Snare, Blight Bomb, Blight Bomb (Greater), Blight Bomb (Lesser), Blight Bomb (Major), Blight Bomb (Moderate), Blightburn Resin, Bomb Snare, Bomber's Eye Elixir, Bomber's Eye Elixir (Greater), Bomber's Eye Elixir (Lesser), Bottled Catharsis, Bottled Catharsis (Greater), Bottled Catharsis (Lesser), Bottled Catharsis (Major), Bottled Catharsis (Minor), Bottled Catharsis (Moderate), Bottled Lightning, Bottled Lightning (Greater), Bottled Lightning (Lesser), Bottled Lightning (Major), Bottled Lightning (Moderate), Bravo's Brew, Bravo's Brew (Greater), Bravo's Brew (Lesser), Bravo's Brew (Moderate), Brimstone Fumes, Caltrop Snare, Candle of Revealing, Cat's Eye Elixir, Cave Worm Venom, Cerulean Scourge, Chalice of Justice, Cheetah's Elixir, Cheetah's Elixir (Greater), Cheetah's Elixir (Lesser), Cheetah's Elixir (Moderate), Cloth of Nullification, Cognitive Mutagen, Cognitive Mutagen (Greater), Cognitive Mutagen (Lesser), Cognitive Mutagen (Major), Cognitive Mutagen (Moderate), Comprehension Elixir, Comprehension Elixir (Greater), Comprehension Elixir (Lesser), Cooling Elixir, Cooling Elixir (Greater), Cooling Elixir (Lesser), Cooling Elixir (Moderate), Corrosive Ammunition, Crystal Shards, Crystal Shards (Greater), Crystal Shards (Major), Crystal Shards (Moderate), Cytillesh Oil, Darkvision Elixir, Darkvision Elixir (Greater), Darkvision Elixir (Lesser), Darkvision Elixir (Moderate), Deadweight Snare, Deathcap Powder, Disintegration Bolt, Dragonhide, Dragonhide Armor, Dragonhide Armor (High-Grade), Dragonhide Armor (Standard-Grade), Dragonhide Buckler (High-Grade), Dragonhide Buckler (Standard-Grade), Dragonhide Object (High-Grade), Dragonhide Object (Standard-Grade), Dragonhide Shield, Dragonhide Shield (High-Grade), Dragonhide Shield (Standard-Grade), Dragonplate, Drakeheart Mutagen, Drakeheart Mutagen (Greater), Drakeheart Mutagen (Lesser), Drakeheart Mutagen (Major), Drakeheart Mutagen (Moderate), Dread Ampoule, Dread Ampoule (Greater), Dread Ampoule (Lesser), Dread Ampoule (Major), Dread Ampoule (Moderate), Dust of Corpse Animation, Dust of Corpse Animation (Greater), Eagle-Eye Elixir, Eagle-Eye Elixir (Greater), Eagle-Eye Elixir (Lesser), Eagle-Eye Elixir (Major), Eagle-Eye Elixir (Moderate), Earthsight Box, Elixir of Gender Transformation, Elixir of Gender Transformation (Greater), Elixir of Gender Transformation (Lesser), Elixir of Gender Transformation (Moderate), Elixir of Life, Elixir of Life (Greater), Elixir of Life (Lesser), Elixir of Life (Major), Elixir of Life (Minor), Elixir of Life (Moderate), Elixir of Life (True), Elixir of Rejuvenation, Enervating Powder, Engulfing Snare, Everlasting Adhesive, Exploding Shield, Fearflower Nectar, Fire-Jump Ring, Flame Navette, Flare Snare, Flying Blade Wheel Snare, Forensic Dye, Four-Ways Dogslicer, Freezing Ammunition, Frost Vial, Frost Vial (Greater), Frost Vial (Lesser), Frost Vial (Major), Frost Vial (Moderate), Ghost Charge, Ghost Charge (Greater), Ghost Charge (Lesser), Ghost Charge (Major), Ghost Charge (Moderate), Ghost Ink, Ghoul Hide, Giant Centipede Venom, Giant Scorpion Venom, Glamorous Buckler, Glow Rod, Glue Bomb, Glue Bomb (Greater), Glue Bomb (Lesser), Glue Bomb (Major), Glue Bomb (Moderate), Grasping Snare, Graveroot, Guise of the Smirking Devil, Guise of the Smirking Devil (Greater), Hail of Arrows Snare, Hampering Snare, Helm of Zeal, Helm of Zeal (Greater), Hemlock, Hobbling Snare, Holy Chain, Hunter's Bane, Incense of Distilled Death, Infiltrator's Accessory, Instant Evisceration Snare, Iron Cudgel, Iron Equalizer, Jade Bauble, Juggernaut Mutagen, Juggernaut Mutagen (Greater), Juggernaut Mutagen (Lesser), Juggernaut Mutagen (Major), Juggernaut Mutagen (Moderate), King's Sleep, Leadenleg, Lethargy Poison, Mariner's Splint, Marking Snare, Matchstick, Medusa's Scream, Medusa's Scream (Greater), Mindfog Mist, Mistform Elixir, Mistform Elixir (Greater), Mistform Elixir (Lesser), Mistform Elixir (Moderate), Mudrock Snare, Nauseating Snare, Nethershade, Nettleweed Residue, Oil of Dynamism, Oil of Dynamism (Greater), Oil of Revelation, Omnidirectional Spear Snare, Onslaught Hide, Philosopher's Stone, Potion of Disguise, Potion of Disguise (Greater), Potion of Disguise (Lesser), Potion of Disguise (Moderate), Potion of Emergency Escape, Potion of Retaliation, Potion of Retaliation (Greater), Potion of Retaliation (Lesser), Potion of Retaliation (Major), Potion of Retaliation (Minor), Potion of Retaliation (Moderate), Predictable Silver Piece, Prognostic Veil, Prognostic Veil (Greater), Quicksilver Mutagen, Quicksilver Mutagen (Greater), Quicksilver Mutagen (Lesser), Quicksilver Mutagen (Major), Quicksilver Mutagen (Moderate), Ration Tonic, Ration Tonic (Greater), Rending Snare, Ring of Maniacal Devices, Ring of Maniacal Devices (Greater), Sanguine Pendant, Sanguine Pendant (Greater), Sash of Prowess, Sash of Prowess (Greater), Scything Blade Snare, Sea Touch Elixir, Sea Touch Elixir (Greater), Sea Touch Elixir (Lesser), Sea Touch Elixir (Moderate), Serene Mutagen, Serene Mutagen (Greater), Serene Mutagen (Lesser), Serene Mutagen (Major), Serene Mutagen (Moderate), Shielding Salve, Signaling Snare, Silver Salve, Silvertongue Mutagen, Silvertongue Mutagen (Greater), Silvertongue Mutagen (Lesser), Silvertongue Mutagen (Major), Silvertongue Mutagen (Moderate), Skinstitch Salve, Slumber Arrow, Slumber Wine, Smoke Ball, Smoke Ball (Greater), Smoke Ball (Lesser), Snagging Hook Snare, Snake Oil, Spellguard Blade, Spider Root, Spider Venom, Spike Snare, Spiritsight Crossbow, Staff of Impossible Visions, Staff of Impossible Visions (Greater), Staff of Impossible Visions (Major), Staff of Impossible Visions (True), Staff of Providence, Staff of Providence (Greater), Staff of Providence (Major), Staff of Providence (True), Staff of the Tempest, Staff of the Tempest (Greater), Staff of the Tempest (Major), Stalker Bane Snare, Stone Fist Elixir, Storm Arrow, Striking Snare, Stunning Snare, Surging Serum, Surging Serum (Greater), Surging Serum (Lesser), Surging Serum (Major), Surging Serum (Minor), Surging Serum (Moderate), Tangle Root Toxin, Taper of Sanctification, Tears of Death, Terrifying Ammunition, Timeless Salts, Tricky Liniment, Trip Snare, Twisting Twine, Twisting Twine (Greater), Twisting Twine (Lesser), Twisting Twine (Moderate), Unholy Plate, Urn of Ashes, Viper Arrow, Wand of Crackling Lightning, Wand of Crackling Lightning (3rd-Rank Spell), Wand of Crackling Lightning (4th-Rank Spell), Wand of Crackling Lightning (6th-Rank Spell), Wand of Crackling Lightning (8th-Rank Spell), Wand of Hopeless Night, Wand of Hopeless Night (2nd-Rank Spell), Wand of Hopeless Night (4th-Rank Spell), Wand of Overflowing Life, Wand of Overflowing Life (3rd-Rank Spell), Wand of Overflowing Life (4th-Rank Spell), Wand of Overflowing Life (5th-Rank Spell), Wand of Overflowing Life (6th-Rank Spell), Wand of Overflowing Life (7th-Rank Spell), Wand of Overflowing Life (8th-Rank Spell), Wand of Slaughter, Wand of Slaughter (7th-Rank Spell), Wand of Slaughter (8th-Rank Spell), Wand of Slaughter (9th-Rank Spell), Wand of Smoldering Fireballs, Wand of Smoldering Fireballs (3rd-Rank Spell), Wand of Smoldering Fireballs (5th-Rank Spell), Wand of Smoldering Fireballs (7th-Rank Spell), Wand of Smoldering Fireballs (9th-Rank Spell), Wand of the Snowfields, Wand of the Snowfields (5th-Rank Spell), Wand of the Snowfields (7th-Rank Spell), Wand of the Spider, Wand of the Spider (2nd-Rank Spell), Wand of the Spider (4th-Rank Spell), Warleader's Bulwark, Warleader's Bulwark (Greater), Witchwarg Elixir, Witchwarg Elixir (Greater), Witchwarg Elixir (Lesser), Witchwarg Elixir (Moderate), Wolfsbane, Wyvern Poison

Familiar Abilities [18]

Aeon Stone Reservoir (familiar), Blood Link (familiar), Can't Walk (familiar), Crystalline (familiar), Euphoric Breath (familiar), Extra Alchemy (master), Extra Vial (master), Fiendish Temptation (familiar), Flammable (familiar), Imp Invisibility (familiar), Item Delivery (familiar), Magic Scent (familiar), Ooze Defense (familiar), Poison Reservoir (familiar), Porter (familiar), Scholarly Linguist (familiar), Second Opinion (familiar), Slime Rejuvenation (familiar)

Familiars (Specific) [7]

Aeon Wyrd, Fey Dragonet, Homunculus, Imp, Pipefox, Poppet, Spellslime

Feats [1001]

A Home in Every Port, Absorb Strength, Absorb Toxin, Acquired Tolerance, Acrobat Dedication, Acrobatic Performer, Acute Scent, Acute Vision, Additional Companion, Adrenaline Rush, Advanced Alchemy, Advanced Blood Potency, Advanced Bloodline, Advanced Concoction, Advanced Deduction, Advanced Deity's Domain, Advanced Devotion, Advanced Efficient Alchemy, Advanced Flair, Advanced Fury, Advanced Herbalism, Advanced Kata, Advanced Monastic Weaponry, Advanced Mysteries, Advanced Poisoncraft, Advanced Qi Spells, Advanced Revelation, Aerial Piledriver, Aerobatics Mastery, Affliction Mercy, Affliction Resistance, After You, Aggravating Scratch, Agile Maneuvers, Agonizing Rebuke, Alchemical Assessment, Alchemical Discoveries, Alchemical Familiar, Alchemical Power, Alchemical Revivification, Alchemical Scholar, Alchemist Dedication, Align Qi, Ally's Shelter, Alter Admixture, Ambush Hunter, Analyze Idiolect, Ancestor's Rage, Angel of Death, Animal Skin, Animalistic Brutality, Annihilating Swing, Anoint Ally, Antagonize, Arcane Dragonblood, Arcane Evolution, Archaeologist Dedication, Archaeologist's Luck, Archer Dedication, Archer's Aim, Armament Paragon, Armor Assist, Armor Specialist, Armored Rebuff, Armored Stealth, Ask the Bones, Assassin Dedication, Assassinate, Assured Identification, Assured Ritualist, Athletic Strategist, Aura of Courage, Aura of Despair, Aura of Determination, Aura of Faith, Aura of Life, Aura of Righteousness, Auspicious Mount, Avalanche Strike, Awesome Blow, Back to Back, Backup Disguise, Barbarian Dedication, Barbarian Resiliency, Barreling Charge, Bashing Charge, Basic Blood Potency, Basic Bloodline Spell, Basic Concoction, Basic Deduction, Basic Devotion, Basic Eldritch Archer Spellcasting, Basic Flair, Basic Fury, Basic Kata, Basic Mysteries, Basic Oracle Spellcasting, Basic Scroll Cache, Basic Sorcerer Spellcasting, Bastion Dedication, Battle Planner, Beastmaster Bond, Beastmaster Dedication, Beastmaster's Call, Beastmaster's Trance, Benefactor's Majesty, Bespell Strikes, Between the Scales, Big Mouth, Biographical Eye, Black Cat Curse, Blaze of Revelation, Bleed Out, Bleeding Finisher, Blessed Counterstrike, Blessed Denial, Blessed One Dedication, Blessed Sacrifice, Blessed Spell, Blind-Fight, Blood Ascendancy, Blood Rising, Blood Sovereignty, Bloodletting Fangs, Bloodline Breadth, Bloodline Conduit, Bloodline Focus, Bloodline Mutation, Bloodline Perfection, Bloodline Resistance, Blowgun Poisoner, Bon Mot, Bone Investiture, Bone Magic, Bonekeeper's Bane, Boneyard's Call, Bounty Hunter Dedication, Brandishing Draw, Breath Like Honey, Breath of the Dragon, Briar Battler, Brilliant Flash, Brutal Bully, Brutal Critical, Buckler Dance, Cadence Call, Call the Swarm, Call Your Shot, Can't Fall Here, Cantorian Reinforcement, Cantorian Rejuvenation, Cantorian Restoration, Cantrip Expansion, Caravan Leader, Cat Nap, Caterwaul, Catfolk Dance, Catfolk Lore, Catfolk Weapon Familiarity, Cat's Luck, Cavalier Dedication, Cavalier's Banner, Cavalier's Charge, Celebrity Dedication, Certain Strategem, Champion Dedication, Champion Resiliency, Champion's Reaction, Champion's Sacrifice, Chance Death, Charmed Life, Cheat Death, Cheek Pouches, Chemical Contagion, Clear the Way, Cleave, Climbing Claws, Clinch Strike, Clinging Shadows Initiate, Close Quarters, Clotting Elixirs, Clue Them All In, Cobra Envenom, Cobra Stance, Collateral Thrash, Combination Finisher, Combine Elixirs, Come and Get Me, Command Attention, Concealing Legerdemain, Conduit of Void and Vitality, Connect the Dots, Consult the Spirits, Contagious Rage, Contortionist, Coordinated Charge, Cornered Fury, Craft Philosopher's Stone, Crafter's Appraisal, Crane Flutter, Crane Stance, Cringe, Croak Talker, Crossblooded Evolution, Crossbow Terror, Crude Communication, Cruelty, Crunch, Crushing Grab, Dancing Leaf, Dandy Dedication, Dangle, Dastardly Dash, Deadly Aspect, Deadly Grace, Debilitating Bomb, Debilitating Dichotomy, Deceptive Worship, Deeper Dabbler, Defend Mount, Defensive Advance, Defensive Stratagem, Deflect Projectile, Deity's Domain, Deliberate Death, Derring-do, Desperate Prayer, Desperate Wrath, Destructive Block, Detective's Readiness, Devoted Focus, Devout Blessing, Devout Magic, Diamond Fists, Didactic Strike, Directional Bombs, Dirty Trick, Disarming Assault, Disarming Block, Disarming Flair, Discreet Inquiry, Disengaging Twist, Disrupt Qi, Distant Cackle, Distracting Flattery, Distracting Performance, Distracting Toss, Disturbing Knowledge, Diverse Mystery, Diverting Vortex, Divine Aegis, Divine Dragonblood, Divine Effusion, Divine Evolution, Divine Grace, Divine Health, Divine Reflexes, Divine Wall, Doctor's Visitation, Dodge Away, Dodging Roll, Domain Acumen, Domain Fluency, Double Poison, Doublespeak, Draconic Arrogance, Draconic Aspect, Draconic Resistance, Draconic Scent, Draconic Sight, Draconic Veil, Dragon Lore, Dragon Roar, Dragon Stance, Dragon Transformation, Dragon's Flight, Dragon's Presence, Dragon's Rage Breath, Dragon's Rage Wings, Dread Marshal Stance, Dual Finisher, Dual Onslaught, Dual Thrower, Dual-Weapon Blitz, Dual-Weapon Reload, Dual-Weapon Warrior Dedication, Duelist Dedication, Duelist's Challenge, Duskwalker Lore, Duskwalker Magic, Duskwalker Weapon Familiarity, Eat Fortune, Echoing Spell, Efficient Alchemy, Efficient Rituals, Effortless Concentration, Elbow Breaker, Eldritch Archer Dedication, Eldritch Reload, Elegant Buckler, Elemental Fist, Eliminate Red Herrings, Elude Trouble, Embrace the Pain, Empiricist's Eye, Enchanting Shot, Endemic Herbs, Enduring Alchemy, Enduring Quickness, Energy Fusion, Energy Ward, Enhanced Familiar, Enjoy the Show, Enterprising Ritualist, Enthralling Allure, Envenom Fangs, Envenomed Edge, Environmental Guide, Epiphany at the Crossroads, Eternal Elixir, Evade Doom, Evangelize, Evasiveness, Even the Odds, Everyone's a Suspect, Evolved Spellhorn, Exhort the Faithful, Expand Aura, Expanded Splash, Expert Backstabber, Expert Disassembly, Expert Drill Sergeant, Expert Eldritch Archer Spellcasting, Expert Oracle Spellcasting, Expert Scroll Cache, Expert Sorcerer Spellcasting, Exploit Blunder, Exploitive Bomb, Explosion of Power, Express Rider, Extend Elixir, Extravagant Parry, Eye for Numbers, Eyes of Night, Eyes of the City, Fabricated Connections, Faithful Steed, Familiar, Familiar Conduit, Familiar Mascot, Familiar Master Dedication, Fancy Moves, Fangs, Fantastic Leaps, Far Lobber, Fatal Shot, Felicitous Riposte, Fell Rider, Finishing Follow-through, Finishing Precision, First Revelation, First to Strike, First to Fall, Flamboyant Athlete, Flamboyant Leap, Flashy Dodge, Flashy Roll, Fleeing Shriek, Fleeting Shadow, Flensing Slice, Flexible Ritualist, Flexible Studies, Flexible Tail, Flurry of Maneuvers, Flying Blade, Flying Kick, Focused Fascination, Focused Shot, Follow-up Assault, Follow-up Strike, Forensic Acumen, Foresee Danger, Forestall Curse, Foretell Harm, Form Lock, Form of the Bat, Form of the Dragon, Formidable Breath, Fortified Elixirs, Fossil Rider, Fresh Ingredients, Friendly Toss, Frightening Appearance, Furious Bully, Furious Finish, Furious Grab, Furious Sprint, Furious Vengeance, Fuse Stance, Gecko's Grip, Get Used to Disappointment, Ghost Hunter, Giant Snare, Giant's Lunge, Giant's Stature, Gifted Power, Gladiator Dedication, Glean Contents, Glean Lore, Goading Feint, Godbreaker, Gossip Lore, Graceful Guidance, Graceful Leaper, Grandmaster Qi Spells, Grandmother's Wisdom, Gravesight, Great Cleave, Great Tengu Form, Greater Bloodline, Greater Crossblooded Evolution, Greater Cruelty, Greater Debilitating Bomb, Greater Magical Scholastics, Greater Mental Evolution, Greater Mercy, Greater Physical Evolution, Greater Revelation, Greater Security, Greater Spiritual Evolution, Greater than the Sum, Greater Vital Evolution, Grievous Blow, Grovel, Gruesome Strike, Guarded Movement, Guardian's Deflection, Hammer Quake, Harbinger's Claw, Harmonize Self, Heal Mount, Healing Bomb, Herbalist Dedication, Hidden Magic, Hobgoblin Lore, Hobgoblin Weapon Familiarity, Holistic Care, Homing Shot, Hone Claws, Hop Up, Hunter's Defense, Hurling Charge, Hyena Familiar, Illimitable Finisher, Immortal Techniques, Impaling Bone, Impaling Finisher, Impaling Thrust, Implausible Purchase, Imposing Destrier, Impossible Riposte, Impossible Technique, Impressive Landing, Impressive Mount, Improbable Elixirs, Improved Familiar, Improved Invigorating Elixir, Improved Knockback, Improvise Admixture, Improvise Tool, Improvised Critical, Improvised Pummel, Improvised Repair, Incorporeal Shot, Incredible Beastmaster Companion, Incredible Luck, Incredible Mount, Incredible Scout, Inescapable Grasp, Inexhaustible Countermoves, Influence Nature, Inner Strength, Inoculation, Inspiring Marshal Stance, Instinct Ability, Instinctive Strike, Instrument of Slaughter, Instrument of Zeal, Interweave Dispel, Intimidating Strike, Into the Fray, Investigator Dedication, Investigator's Stratagem, Invigorating Elixir, Invulnerable Rager, Iron Repercussions, Ironblood Stance, Ironblood Surge, Iruxi Armaments, Iruxi Spirit Strike, Jinx Glutton, Juggernaut's Fortitude, Jungle Strider, Just As Planned, Just One More Thing, Just the Facts, Keen Follower, Keen Recollection, Keep Pace, Kholo Lore, Kholo Weapon Familiarity, Knockback, Knockback Strike, Knowledge of Shapes, Known Weaknesses, Kobold Lore, Kobold Weapon Familiarity, Lab Rat, Laughing Kholo, Lead Climber, Lead Investigator, Lead the Pack, Leading Dance, Leech-Clip, Left-hand Blood, Legendary Guide, Legendary Laugh, Legendary Rider, Lethal Finisher, Leverage Connections, Lie Detector, Lifesense, Light Paws, Lighter than Air, Lightning Qi, Lightning Snares, Lingering Breath, Linguist Dedication, Lizardfolk Lore, Long Tongue, Long-Nosed Form, Loyal Warhorse, Luck of the Clowder, Lucky Break, Mage Hunter, Magic Ammunition, Magic Sense, Magical Scholastics, Magical Scrounger, Magpie Snatch, Majestic Presence, Make 'em Sweat, Makeshift Strike, Many Guises, Mariner's Fire, Marsh Runner, Marshal Dedication, Martial Artist Dedication, Master Eldritch Archer Spellcasting, Master of Many Styles, Master Oracle Spellcasting, Master Qi Spells, Master Scroll Cache, Master Sorcerer Spellcasting, Master Spotter, Mature Beastmaster Companion, Mauler Dedication, Meddling Futures, Medic Dedication, Meditative Focus, Mega Bomb, Mercy, Mesmerizing Gaze, Mighty Bulwark, Minion Guise, Miracle Worker, Mixed Maneuver, Mobile Finisher, Moisture Bath, Moment of Clarity, Monastic Archer Stance, Monastic Weaponry, Monk Dedication, Monk Moves, Monk Resiliency, Monk's Flurry, Mountain Quake, Mountain Stance, Mountain Stronghold, Mounted Shield, Multilingual Cipher, Mutable Familiar, Mutant Innervation, Mutant Physique, Mysterious Breadth, Mysterious Repertoire, Mystery Conduit, Necromantic Physiology, Never Tire, Night Magic, Nimble Reprisal, Nimble Shield Hand, No Escape, Nocturnal Senses, Nocturnal Tripkee, Nudge the Scales, Numb to Death, Occult Dragonblood, Occult Evolution, One For All, One-inch Punch, One-millimeter Punch, One-Toed Hop, Ongoing Investigation, Ongoing Selfishness, Ongoing Strategy, Opportunistic Grapple, Oracle Dedication, Oracular Providence, Oracular Warning, Overcrowd, Overpowering Charge, Oversized Throw, Overwhelming Breath, Overwhelming Energy, Pack Hunter, Pack Rat, Pack Stalker, Panache Paragon, Paradoxical Mystery, Parry and Riposte, Parthenogenic Hatchling, Party Crasher, Path of Iron, Peerless Form, Penetrating Projectile, Perfect Clarity, Perfect Debilitation, Perfect Finisher, Perfection's Path, Performative Weapons Training, Pernicious Poison, Persistent Mutagen, Person of Interest, Phonetic Training, Pick Up the Pace, Pilgrim's Token, Pinning Fire, Pinpoint Poisoner, Pirate Combat Training, Pirate Dedication, Play to the Crowd, Plentiful Snares, Plot the Future, Plummeting Roll, Poison Coat, Poisoner Dedication, Poisoner's Twist, Portentous Spell, Posse, Poultice Preparation, Precious Ammunition, Precise Finisher, Predator's Growl, Predator's Pounce, Predictive Purchase, Prevailing Position, Pride Hunter, Pride in Arms, Primal Dragonblood, Primal Evolution, Primal Rampage, Prodigious Climber, Projectile Snatching, Propelling Sorcery, Qi Center, Qi Spells, Quaking Stomp, Quick Bomber, Quick Change, Quick Fix, Quick Mount, Quick Shield Block, Quick Shot, Quick Stow, Quickened Casting, Quietus Strikes, Rabid Sprint, Radiant Armament, Raging Athlete, Raging Intimidation, Raging Thrower, Rallying Charge, Rallying Cry, Rapid Affixture, Rat Familiar, Rat Form, Rat Magic, Ratfolk Lore, Ratfolk Roll, Ratspeak, Reach Spell, Reactive Strike, Read Disaster, Read Shibboleths, Reason Rapidly, Recognize Ambush, Reconstruct The Scene, Reflect Harm, Reflexive Riposte, Reflexive Stance, Regurgitate Mutagen, Rejuvenating Touch, Reliable Luck, Remorseless Lash, Remote Trigger, Renewed Vigor, Reptile Speaker, Resist Ruin, Resounding Blow, Resourceful Ritualist, Resplendent Spellhorn, Resuscitate, Retreating Finisher, Return Fire, Revelation's Focus, Reverse Engineering, Revitalizing Finisher, Revivifying Mutagen, Ricocheting Leap, Right-hand Blood, Risky Surgery, Ritualist Dedication, Robust Health, Roll the Bones of Fate, Rolling Landing, Root Magic, Rope Runner, Running Tackle, Runtsage, Saber Teeth, Sacred Defender, Safe House, Safeguard Spell, Sanctify Water, Scalpel's Point, Scaly Hide, Scamper, Scars of Steel, Scavenger's Search, Scholastic Identification, Scintillating Spell, Scion Transformation, Scouring Rage, Scout Dedication, Scout's Charge, Scout's Pounce, Scout's Speed, Scroll Trickster Dedication, Scrounger Dedication, Second Blessing, Second Shield, Second Wind, Security, Selfless Parry, Sense the Unseen, Sensitive Nose, Sentinel Dedication, Settlement Scholastics, Shadow Mark, Shadow's Web, Shake It Off, Share Rage, Share Tincture, Shared Stratagem, Shattering Blows, Shattering Strike (Monk), Shattering Strike (Weapon Improviser), Shed Tail, Shield of Grace, Shield of Reckoning, Shield Paragon, Shield Salvation, Shield Warden, Shinstabber, Shooting Stars Stance, Shoving Sweep, Signature Crafting, Signature Spell Expansion, Silencing Strike, Silent Step, Skill Mastery, Skim Scroll, Skittering Sneak, Sleeper Hold, Slippery Prey, Smite, Smoke Bomb, Snap Out of It!, Snare Crafting, Snare Genius, Snare Setter, Snarecrafter Dedication, Sneaky, Soaring Flight, Soaring Form, Social Purview, Solid Lead, Soothing Vials, Sorcerer Dedication, Sow Rumor, Specialized Beastmaster Companion, Specialized Mount, Spectral Advance, Spell Relay, Spell Shroud, Spellshape Mastery, Spinebreaker, Spirit Soother, Spirits' Interference, Spirit's Wrath, Spiritual Guides, Spiritual Sense, Split Shot, Spot Translate, Springing Leaper, Squad Tactics, Squawk!, Stage Fighting, Stand Still, Startling Appearance, Steady Spellcasting, Steel Skin, Steel Yourself!, Sticky Bomb, Sticky Poison, Stone Face, Storm's Lash, Strangle, Strategic Assessment, Strategic Bypass, Straveika, Student of the Dueling Arts, Stumbling Feint, Stumbling Finisher, Stumbling Stance, Stunning Appearance, Stunning Blows, Stunning Finisher, Subjective Truth, Submission Hold, Sudden Charge, Sudden Leap, Sunder Enchantment, Sunder Spell, Supernatural Senses, Supertaster, Suplex, Supreme Invigorating Elixir, Surgical Shock, Surging Might, Surprise Attack, Surprise Snare, Surprise Strike, Suspect of Opportunity, Svetocher, Swaggering Initiative, Swashbuckler Dedication, Swashbuckler's Riposte, Swashbuckler's Speed, Swift Guardian, Swift Paragon, Swift Retribution, Swift River, Swift Swimmer, Swipe, Switcheroo, Symphony of Blood, Tactical Cadence, Takedown Expert, Talisman Dabbler Dedication, Talismanic Sage, Tangle of Battle, Tangled Forest Rake, Tangled Forest Stance, Tap Into Blood, Target of Opportunity, Targeting Finisher, Ten Lives, Tenacious Net, Tenacious Toxins, Tengu Feather Fan, Tengu Lore, Tengu Weapon Familiarity, Terraforming Trickery, Terrain Advantage, Terrain Scout, Terrifying Croak, Terrifying Howl, Terrifying Resistance, That's Odd, The Bigger They Are, The Dead Walk, Thorough Research, Thorough Search, Thousand Visions, Thrash, Thunder God's Fan, Tiger Slash, Tiger Stance, Tinkering Fingers, Titan's Stature, To Battle!, Tongue Tether, Tools of the Trade, Topple Foe, Traditional Resistances, Trampling Charge, Trap Finder, Treat Condition, Trial by Skyfire, Triangle Shot, Trickster Tengu, Trickster's Ace, Tripkee Glide, Tripkee Lore, Tripkee Weapon Familiarity, True Debilitating Bomb, True Dragon's Flight, True Perception, Tumble Behind, Tumbling Diversion, Tumbling Opportunist, Tumbling Strike, Tumbling Teamwork, Tumbling Theft, Twirling Throw, Ultimate Mercy, Unbalancing Finisher, Unbalancing Sweep, Unbound Leaper, Uncanny Agility, Uncanny Bombs, Uncanny Cheeks, Undead Slayer, Underground Network, Underworld Investigator, Unimpeded Step, Unobstructed Shot, Unseat, Unstable Concoction, Unstoppable Juggernaut, Vampire Lore, Vengeful Strike, Vexing Tumble, Vicious Evisceration, Vicious Incisors, Vicious Snares, Vicious Vengeance, Vigilante Dedication, Vigorous Health, Viking Dedication, Viking Weapon Familiarity, Vivacious Bravado, Voice of the Night, Voluminous Vials, Vomit Stomach, Walk the Plank, Wall Run, War Conditioning, Ward Against Corruption, Warren Digger, Warren Navigator, Wary Skulker, Water Sprint, Water Step, Water Walker, Waters of Creation, Weapon Improviser Dedication, Weight of Guilt, Well-Groomed, Well-Met Traveler, Whirling Blade Stance, Whirling Throw, Whirlwind Strike, Whirlwind Toss, Whispers of Weakness, Whodunnit?, Widen Spell, Wild Winds Gust, Wild Winds Initiate, Wind God's Fan, Wind Jump, Winding Flow, Wing Buffet, Winglet Flight, Winglets, Wolf Drag, Wolf Stance, Wounded Rage, Wrestler Dedication, You're Next

Instincts [6]

Animal, Dragon, Fury, Giant, Spirit, Superstition

Languages [1]


Methodologies [4]

Alchemical Sciences, Empiricism, Forensic Medicine, Interrogation

Mysteries [8]

Ancestors, Battle, Bones, Cosmos, Flames, Life, Lore, Tempest

Research Fields [4]

Bomber, Chirurgeon, Mutagenist, Toxicologist

Rituals [13]

Astral Projection, Clone, Fantastic Facade, Fortifying Brew, Gathering Call, Heartbond, Inveigle, Phantasmal Custodians, Reincarnate, Rest Eternal, Shadow Double, Teleportation Circle, Ward Domain

Rules [1]


Spells [158]

Aberrant Whispers, Access Lore, Ancestral Defense, Ancestral Form, Ancestral Memories, Ancestral Touch, Angelic Halo, Angelic Wings, Animal Vision, Animated Assault, Anointed Ground, Arcane Countermeasure, Armor of Bones, Battlefield Persistence, Beastmaster Trance, Bestial Curse, Blanket of Stars, Blinding Fury, Blister, Blistering Invective, Brain Drain, Bullhorn, Carryall, Celestial Brand, Chameleon Coat, Champion's Sacrifice, Charitable Urge, Chilling Spray, Chroma Leach, Chthonian Wrath, Claim Undead, Clinging Shadows Stance, Cloak of Colors, Collective Transposition, Concordant Choir, Confusing Colors, Containment, Corrosive Muck, Countless Eyes, Crashing Wave, Curse of Lost Time, Déjà Vu, Delay Affliction, Diabolic Edict, Dismantle, Dragon Breath, Dragon Wings, Drain Life, Dread Secret, Dream Council, Drop Dead, Dull Ambition, Elemental Blast, Elemental Motion, Elemental Toss, Embrace Nothingness, Embrace the Pit, Extend Blood Magic, Faerie Dust, Familiar’s Face, Fey Disappearance, Fey Glamour, Final Sacrifice, Flaming Fusillade, Flurry of Claws, Fungal Infestation, Gale Blast, Ghostly Tragedy, Ghoulish Cravings, Glutton's Jaws, Grasping Grave, Gravity Well, Grisly Growths, Harmonize Self, Haunting Hymn, Hellfire Plume, Hero's Defiance, Holy Cascade, Horrific Visage, Ice Storm, Imaginary Lockbox, Imprint Message, Incendiary Aura, Inner Upheaval, Interstellar Void, Invisible Item, Jealous Hex, Lay on Hands, Leaden Steps, Life Link, Life-Giving Form, Lifewood Cage, Lightning Storm, Live Wire, Medusa's Wrath, Moonlight Bridge, Mud Pit, Nature’s Enmity, Noxious Vapors, Object Reading, Phantasmal Treasure, Primal Herd, Protector Tree, Puff of Poison, Qi Blast, Qi Form, Qi Rush, Reaper’s Lantern, Resplendent Mansion, Revel in Retribution, Rouse Skeletons, Sacred Form, Scatter Scree, Schadenfreude , Scintillating Safeguard, Seal Fate, Shadow's Web, Shared Invisibility, Shields of the Spirit, Shrink Item, Shrink the Span, Soul Siphon, Spectral Advance, Spell Riposte, Spirit Sense, Spirit Song, Spiritual Epidemic, Spout, Spray of Stars, Strange Geometry, Sudden Blight, Summon Lesser Servitor, Swamp of Sloth, Synesthesia, Telepathic Demand, Tempest Form, Tempest Touch, Tentacular Limbs, Thoughtful Gift, Threefold Aspect, Thunderburst, Touch of Death, Touch of the Void, Undeath's Blessing, Unusual Anatomy, Vampiric Maiden, Visions of Danger, Vomit Swarm, Wall of Flesh, Wanderer’s Guide, Weapon of Judgment, Weapon Trance, Web, Whirling Flames, Whispers of the Void, Wild Winds Stance, Wind Jump, You're Mine

Swashbuckler Styles [6]

Battledancer, Braggart, Fencer, Gymnast, Rascal, Wit

Traits [33]

Additive (Class-Specific), Alchemist (Class), Barbarian (Class), Bravado (Class-Specific), Catfolk (Monster), Champion (Class), Coagulant (Class-Specific), Cursebound (Class-Specific), Dhampir (Monster), Dragonblood (Ancestry), Duskwalker (Monster), Finisher (Class-Specific), Hampering (Weapon), Hobgoblin (Monster), Infused (Class-Specific), Investigator (Class), Kholo (Monster), Kobold (Monster), Lizardfolk (Monster), Modular (Weapon), Mutagen (Equipment), Oracle (Class), Rage (Class-Specific), Ratfolk (Monster), Razing (Weapon), Snare (Equipment), Sorcerer (Class), Swashbuckler (Class), Tengu (Monster), Tethered (Weapon), Tripkee (Ancestry), Venomous (Weapon), Vigilante (Class-Specific)

Weapons [16]

Adze, Breaching Pike, Capturing Spetum, Claw Blade, Cruuk, Daikyu, Fangwire, Flying Talon, Hand Adze, Khopesh, Mambele, Spirit Thresher, Tengu Gale Blade, Thunder Sling, Tricky Pick, Whip Claw