Alchemist | Animist | Barbarian | Bard | Champion | Cleric | Druid | Exemplar | Fighter | Gunslinger | Inventor | Investigator | Kineticist | Magus | Monk | Oracle | Psychic | Ranger | Rogue | Sorcerer | Summoner | Swashbuckler | Thaumaturge | Witch | Wizard

Animal Companions | Construct Companions | Eidolons | Familiar Abilities | Specific Familiars | Undead Companions

Oracle Details | Oracle Feats | Oracle Focus Spells | Oracle Kits | Mysteries

There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardCosmos

Source Player Core 2 pg. 136 1.1
Celestial bodies great and small exert influence on you, giving you sublime cosmic power. Perhaps you see the glittering stars as a divine blessing, or perhaps you feel drawn to the infinitely dark spaces between. You might uphold deities like Desna, Sarenrae, or the deific lovers Shizuru and Tsukiyo who represent the sun and the moon— or you might draw power from dark entities from beyond the stars, like certain Outer Gods, or destructive gods of the night like Zon-Kuthon or the rat goddess Lao Shu Po.

Granted Spells

cantrip: light; 1st dizzying colors; 2nd darkness; 5th moon frenzy

Revelation Spells

initial: spray of stars; advanced: interstellar void; greater: moonlight bridge

Related Domains

darkness, moon, star, void

Mystery Skill


Oracle Feat

Oracular Warning

PFS StandardCurse of the Sky's Call

Curse Divine Oracle 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 136 1.1
Your body is drawn toward the heavens, making you lighter and less substantial than you should be. Your eyes glow with starry light, and your hair and clothing float and drift around you. When you have the cursebound condition, you are enfeebled with a value equal to your cursebound value, and you take a status penalty to saves and DCs against all forms of forced movement equal to your cursebound value.